chapter 10

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Branch smiled at the group of trolls he smiled. "Perfect timing everyone. I just finished the trap."

"How does it work exactly?" Clay asked.Branch smiled. " allow me to demonstrate. " he turned to Veneer "OK veneer are you in position?"

"Yep," Veneer said.

"OK, now walk ahead until you reach the patch of purple flowers."

Veneer nodded and headed to the patch of flowers, suddenly he tripped on something. He stumbled and fell onto a large mushroom.

Branch pressed the red button on Gary and the mushroom sprung up sending veneer flying and grabbing onto a nearby vine. He yelped as he swung through the air, his hand slipped and he landed onto a platform. Branch smiled and pressed a blue button, immediatly a platform raised up and started to move, it was kind of like being on a treadmill. Veneer gasped as he ran, juggling his legs to keep up with how fast the platform was moving. Branch pressed the blue button again and suddenly the platform was soaked by a pail of soapy water. Veneers feet slipped and slid as he tried to keep his footing he slipped and skid right of the platform straight onto a big trampolines which caused him to fly through the air and fall right into an open cage which slammed shut as soon as branch pressed the red button.

Branch turned to the group of trolls who clapped and cheered.

"My baby brother built the best trap ever!" John Dory cheered loudly.

Branch blushed and pressed the red open which made the cage door open and Veneer climbed out.

Floyd smiled as he looked at the trap in awe. Branch smiled. " I also rigged a trip wire around the village so that when velvet returns, an alarm will sound and we will know to run and hide."

Viva clapped "that is amazing branch."

Branch chuckled. He turned to floyd. Hopefully the trap would help Floyd feel a little safer and be able to sleep better without any nightmares.

That afternoon, Floyd returned to the bunker to grab a nap. He yawned hugely as pulled the blanket up to his chin. He yawned as his eyelids drooped. There was no more reason to be afraid. Velvet was as good as captured and soon. She would be back in jail. Floyd yawned again. He had set the alarm clock to wake him up so he could head to chez Dantes to eat with poppy, his brothers and Viva but for now it was time for a nap. His eyes closed as he fell asleep.

Floyd walked throughout trollstopia, he smiled he had just woken up from a great nap, not a single nightmare. He felt so much better. That was the best sleep he had had in weeks. He had woken up before the alarm clock went of. He had woken up 30 minutes early.

It's gave him more than enough time to take a brisk walk throughout trollstopia.

He smiled at the passing trolls val and holly. He waved at them. They smiled and waved back at him.

Floyd smiled as he headed towards chez dante he could smell the delicious aromas. His stomach rumbled the thought of a delectable meal from chez dante was....

The sound of an alarm went off. Floyd covered his ears the noise was deafening then the sound stopped and trolls ran in terror. Floyd quickly ran to where the trap was he gasped in horror, the trap... it was destroyed.

Laughter filled Floyd's ears. He turned slowly to see velvet holding a diamond perfume bottle. "You thought you could capture me. I'm the one who will capture you....all of you!" Floyd cried out in terror he ran to the bunker and tried to open the trapdoor, but it wouldn't budge.

"There's no where you can hide Floyd! My tracker will find you no matter where you hide. I will find you!"

Floyd ran into the forest he tripped and tumbled bumping against a perfume bottle, he yelped in terror backing up bumping into another bottle in panic Floyd leot past the bottles and ran. He came screeching to a halt. He was blocked by perfume bottles in them where his brothers. Already they looked as if they had been drained of their talent a hand grabbed him Floyd screamed waking up on the couch with a start. He panted in fear. He looked at the clock. He had slept for... only 20 minutes? He sighed and climbed off the sofa.

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