chapter 9

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In his room however, Floyd stared at the roof of his room. His eyelids began to feel heavy. He shook his head. No he could not fall asleep. If he did, he was afraid that velvet might find the village and... no velvet didn't have a way to teleport to trollstopia. It would probably take her a few weeks just to get there. And branch was planning on building a trap to capture velvet. Floyd yawned. He may be safe for now. Maybe he shouldn't worry so much. Maybe he could sleep without... his eyelids lowered. Maybe... his eyes finally closed and he fell asleep.

It was around 12:37 when floyd began to grip his blanket tightly he groaned as he turned over in his sleep.

"" he whimpered he began to move around in his sleep. Sweat began to form on his forehead. And he began to toss and turn in his sleep. His breathing became hard and fast. Floyd let out a loud loud scream in his sleep. Suddenly he felt himself being shaken.

"No! No! No!" He cried out in his sleep his limbs failing as he struggled to get away from whatever was touching him.

"Floyd! It's me: Branch. Wake up Floyd. You're having a nightmare. Wake up."

Floyd shot up with a scream, waking up. He panted. He turned and saw his brother. Immediately he clung to branch sobbing. "Velvet...she had you guys and she was gonna get me...."

Branch rubbed his shoulder. "It's ok Floyd. It's just a dream. I'm here. Shhh. You're safe here."

At that moment John Dory, clay,and bruce ran in. John Dory sighed sadly. He was afraid that this would happen. Floyd's nightmares had returned only this time there was no vacation that could help him relax, not with the fear that now Velvet was out of prison and headed to trollstopia.

Clay groaned. "We just got Floyd to be able to sleep without nightmares."

"I know." Bruce said. "But Floyd can't help having nightmares. Look at him clay,he's terrified. Look we'll figure this out in the morning, but for now. We just have to get what little sleep we can."

"Can't we just wear ear plugs so Floyd's scream doesn't wake us up?"

"Clay...." Bruce said in a warning tone.

"I'm only joking." Clay said defensively.

Branch looked at his brothers. "Bruce. Can you get him some warm milk?"

Bruce sighed. "I don't think that's going to help. As long as velvets out of jail, Floyd's probably going to have nightmares. All we can do is be there for him."

John dory turned to his brothers. "Clay,bruce ,branch. Go back to bed. I'll stay with him."

"Are you sure?" Branch asked.

John dory nodded. "You have to get started on that trap tomorrow and you need to be well rested. Maybe if I stay with floyd it will help him. Besides maybe if I'm here since I'm the eldest brother the fear will ease up so Floyd can get some sleep."

Branch looked at Floyd and gave him a gentle hug before heading to bed, clay softly snored as he had fallen asleep on his feet.

Bruce gently picked up clay and took him to bed.

John dory turned to floyd who frowned. I'm not gonna be able to sleep. I'll just stay up. You can go back to bed john."

John dory shook his head. "I'll stay up with you."

"But what if I end up staying up all night..." Floyd began to ask. John dory then replied.

"I'm gonna be there for you floyd. I'll even stay up with you even if it's all night."

"All night?" Floyd asked in disbelief.

John Dory took a hold of his brother's hand. "All night long." He promised. "I'll make us some coffee.

Later John dory handed Floyd his coffee. "I put cream and sugar in it so it won't taste so bitter.

Floyd took the mug of coffee and took a sip and smiled.

It was around 1:45 in the morning when floyd finally dozed off , leaning against john dory. John. Dory smiled and kissed his brother's cheek. He remained awake a little longer until finally, he had fallen asleep to holding Floyd close to him

That morning at breakfast, branch glanced at his brothers. Clay and Bruce were chatting.

John dory sipped his coffee and Floyd looked a bit sleepy. Branch frowned, maybe he should stay home to male sure Floyd was able to nap without nightmares.

Branch sighed. "Maybe I should stay with you floyd...."

"No I'll be ok. Just need a bit of coffee and I'll be fine. I did manage to sleep just..fell asleep really late. Besides you need to start on the trap today."

Branch felt a bit guilty.

"Look I promise I'll take a nap if I'm tired."

"Well ok." Branch said. He then gave floyd a bowl of fruit. "Eat some of these, they'll give you some energy so you won't be too tired."

Branch knocked on the cave and Veneer and crimp peaked out.

"I finished the blueprints last night. We can get started. I might warn you it's not as exciting as anything you built crimp."

"Oh don't worry, I'm excited to help you besides. If this works to catch velvet, we can press the button on Floyd's bracelet, the authorities will arrive and velvet will be brought back to prison."

Branch smiled. "Now veneer. Can you hold stil so I can take your measurements for the cage?"

Veneer walked out of the cage and stood up straight. So Branch could take his measurements. Branch pulled out a measuring tape.

"OK crimp, can you hold this so I can climb up to measure veneer from his head to his feet?

Crimp nodded.

With crimp's help branch was able to get the measurements for the cage for his trap.

Branch sighed. "Hey veneer crimp could you help me gather the supplies? If I do it myself it will take a dozen trips and it will take me a week. And with Velvet approaching I need to get this trap done as soon as possible."

Veneer nodded. He was happy he could help.

Later that evening branch smiled. "You know veneer actually was a big help. Because I was able to measure him I can make the cage I wrote down the measurement on the clipboard and Veneer was able to carry all the supplies I needed and it only took 3 trips.Tomorrow I start building the trap. It's gonna be the best trap i ever did, and best of all velvet's not gonna be able to see it until its been sprung and only i will be able to activate the trap with a push of a button.

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