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everytime i see him it's a new feeling..

it's been months since i had last saw him but it felt like years and seeing him yesterday for the first time in a while shot up my nerves. he was bulkier but healthy, an inch taller than he already was and even more handsome than the last time i set my eyes on him. i couldn't talk just admiring him at first but i clicked into motion when he moved closer. my heart aches and my eyes became glossy as tears filled them to the brim.

i smiled so bright my cheeks started to ache but i never stopped smiling for him.

"come here baby"

i jumped on him not caring where we were at, at the moment even though we were in a small store so it was short glances and stares but they didn't matter he did.

this hug felt so different than the other many hugs he ever gave me. this hug felt similar to our first hug ever.

he gripped me tight and close i felt a pause in his breath like he was taking everything in just as i was.

shakily i lifted my hands to his cheeks pulling his face out my neck looking into his eyes then his face overall. he was so handsome to me. tears trickled down my cheeks as i looked him over. he was really back in front me, just like he  promised. i shoved my lips on his and he let out a low groan only i could hear while kissing me back.

someone cleared their throat making me remember where i was and i forced his hands to let me go so i could get down.

if i was a lighter skin tone you probably would've seen my blush but i know he could tell. he pulled me to the side instead of where we were at before, it was a little more secluded, not many other people near.

"i told you i'd be back"

he did tell me that but i just couldn't believe it still. maybe this was a weird ass dream...nope it definitely wasn't but now my skin stings a little. he noticed what i did chuckling and shaking his head.

"i came to pick you up, can i take you with me?" he questioned me.

in an attempt to shake my head yes he looked over my face and mouth than looked back up.

"tell me"

"yes" i told him. "stay here and i'll be back"

i went to look at my friends and they gave me that telekinesis vibe and i grabbed my bag and left just like that.

"text us later" ken yelled.

i laughed and waved him off exiting the building once i noticed he left the building and didn't stay put.

he was outside leaning on the side of his all blacked out honda civic. he would be the one to buy my dream car.

"i'm jealous, you just had to pick this as your car"

he laughed while shaking his head, "well i got two cars actually but come on so we can go talk first and i'll tell you the rest later"

he moved aside from the door he was leaning on letting me in then closed it behind me. my heart was beating erratically. he got inside and started the car and we headed off.

"where are we going" i questioned after a few minutes. i was so side tracked that it just clicked in me to ask him now.

"now you wanna ask me that" he smirked at me. "we finna go to my crib"

i nodded looking towards the window, i didn't know what to say even though i had a lot to say and a lot of questions.

fifteen minutes later , outskirts

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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