the date

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When you got home you ate your dinner and went to bed early. The next day when u woke up you started ramsacking thru all your clothes to get the perfect outfit for the date tonight.

"I have no clue what to wear" you tell yourself just then you hear a ping from your phone. You look at it and see that it is a message from Kurt. he sent you $2000 telling you to make sure and buy some things and dress nice for the date tonight.

* Time skip yuh done buy what u have to buy*

It was time for the date, you had on a red dress, black shoes and what ever kinda jewelry allyuh is play allyuh wanna be wearing. You stepped out the house to go wait for kurt he pulled up and stepped out of the car he looked at you like you hung the stars and the moon in the sky "wow you look gorgeous" he said with a smile on his face.

You looked down and blushed at his words. "You dont look bad yourself," you said smiling. He led you the front of the car and opened the car door for you. He made small talk along the way asking you about how your childhood was and what ur favorite colour was.

When you arrive at the restaurant, you look around at the place and it looked marvelous. "Wow this place is beautiful" you said gaping at the extravagant kfc restaurant.

~Writers note~

Thas alll ppl fr cuzz like idk what to write

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