the date (part 2)

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He looks over at you and smiles.'Are you ready to go inside?" He asks you to look over to him smiling  "yes i am. " he gets out of the car first  and opens the door for u, taking your hand as you get out. "You look wonderful tonight," he says "thanks u look nice too." As u walk inside, you look around at the extravagant, place around you and notice that no one else is at the restaurant "why is no one else here" you ask "i rented it out for the night so it can just be us" "ohhhh ite bet" you say as one of the workers come out to lead you both to your table.

The menu was lovely it had all kinds of dishes like "super deal" and "boss meal" and every hot gyal favorite "the zinger" and it had corn soup and fry rice "so" he says looking at you "how is everything?" "Fine, i guess. How's my car?" (Cant remember if he did give she back or not, but who cares)  he gives a little laugh."Your car is just fine. i had it cleaned." He then called the waiters to take orders he ordered the super deal, and i took the same after our meal he then asked me if i would like to walk around, to which i said "yes. "

As we walked around the beautiful venue we talk and laughed about many things we had a lot in common he liked the power rangers i liked the power rangers he liked batman i liked batman and so it went as we were getting to know each other. As it got late, we went back out to the car he opened the door and held my hand as i got inside. The drive home was quiet but not awkward we exchanged goodbyes and little kisses on the cheek he said he would bring my car back by the morning and asked if i would like to go out on a next date with him to which i said "yes"

*3 years later*

(struggling rn cuzz i have no clue if y/n issa girl or boy cuzz my ass forget)
"Are you ready for your 1st day of school" you beam as u smile fondly at your 3 year old who is about to start school "yess" she squeels jumping up and down happy as she cant wait to make new friends "KURTTT (i forget the  man name wayzzz) you yell from downstairs you dont want our daughter to be late on her 1st dayy" he comes jogging downstairs in a hurry "not my fault i was looking for her teddy to carry with her" "yay u found iy she cheered" he picks her up and u all walk outside to the car and


Written for sweetoreogyu

Forever, keep in mind that ik how cringe this shit is, and it was only ever made for shits and giggles (for any reader that unfortunately ever has to see this)

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