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*Next day
Emily's POV (TW)

"Good morning sleepyhead" I say.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good, how about you?"

"I spelt good with you here" she said and gave me a smile.

"We should get up it's almost noon"

"A few more minutes in bed won't hurt us" she says while pulling herself closer to me. I wrap my arm over her and I could feel her spine and ribs. I'm used to it by now but it breaks my heart knowing she won't eat.

"Fine but only a few more minutes JJ"

She nuzzles her head under my chin and we lay there peacefully for 10 minutes because neither of us wanted this moment to end.

"Okay cmon JJ, we need to eat breakfast and you need your meds"

"Okay fine"

Me and her both get out of bed and walk into the kitchen. I open my purse and I notice her meds were empty. Shit. Okay don't worry you can just run to the store and get a new prescription.

"Hey JJ, I'm going to run to the store really quick. Your out of meds so I'm going to get a refill on them for you"

"Okay" she says.

I put up her keys and head to the store. I walk in and find the pharmacy.

"Hi I was wondering if I could get a refill for my friends anti-depressants" I ask the person behind the counter.

"Can I see the bottle"

I pull the bottle out of my purse and hand it to them.

"Can I see some ID?"

I pull out my fbi badge with my photo and that's all they need to see before they go and look for her prescription. They walk back.

"I'm sorry but we don't have any of her meds for the next 3 days"

Shit. "She needs those meds, she can't function without them. Is there anyway I could get them sooner?"

"I'm sorry but we don't have them available right now. Our next shipment of those pills are in 3 days"

"Okay thank you" I tell them and start to walk back to the car.

Shit, shit, shit. She needs those god damn pills. What the hell am I going to do. She's going to get as bad as she was a few days ago.

I drive back and go to the apartment. JJ's sitting on the couch watching something on animal planet when I walk in.

"Hey Em"

"Hey" I say sadly.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"They didn't have your meds. They won't have them for another 3 days" I tell her.

"Oh, okay. I'll live without them for a few days"

Will she though?

"Come on, come sit down" she tells me.

"What are you watching"

"A show about pit bulls and parolees. It's really good" she tells me while smiling.

"I'll come watch in a minute, I'm going to make us some breakfast first"


I walk into the kitchen and get some eggs, bacon, and pancake mix.

I make the food and get us some orange juice. I set the plates and walk over to JJ. I hand her the plate and I sit down next to her.

I start eating my food and I look over to see JJ's smile fade as she looks at her food. It's as if she is trying to figure out how many calories are in everything that's in front of her.


"Huh?" she looks up at me with a fake smile.

"Why aren't you eating"

"Not really hungry"

"Will you just take a few bites? You haven't ate since last night"

'Your practically skin and bones' I think to myself.

"I'll eat a little bit I guess" she turns her attention back to her food. She cuts up her pancakes a little bit and takes a bite. I give her a soft smile and look back to my food.

It breaks my heart to see JJ like this. Why does she do it? Is it about controlling something? Or does she hate how she looks? I want to ask but I don't think right now would be the best time to do so. Instead I settle on, "how's the food?"

"It's great, like always. Your an amazing cook"

"Thank you"

She hesitates to take another bite but she does.

"Im full" she says. She barely took 3 bites.

"Okay that's fine. Im proud of you for eating" she gives me a sad smile and I put up her plate and throw the rest of the food away.

"I'm really sorry" she says.

"It's okay JJ. You don't need to apologize"

"But I do need to, you spent time making me a meal and I barely ate any of it"

"JJ I know you struggle with eating, I promise it's okay. I'm just proud that you ate something I know it's hard for you sometimes"

"I think I'm going to take a nap. We have work tomorrow and I don't want to be tired when we go"

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything"

She walks back into the room, she held onto the walls the whole time while walking back into the bedroom. She hasn't been eating much and it terrifies me. I just have to trust that she won't let it get to bad.

*7 hours later

JJ hasn't come out of the room since she took her nap. It's about to be 8:30. I'm probably going to head to bed early tonight. I walk into the room quietly and take my normal side of the bed. JJ's still asleep.

*4 hours later

I walk up to something. I look around the room even though I can barely see anything. JJ isn't next to me anymore. I get out of bed and walk out of the room. I see the light on in the bathroom. She's puking. I open the door to find JJ sitting on the floor with her toothbrush in her hand. She has tears on her face but that's what happens when you make yourself throw up.

I slowly walk over to her and take the toothbrush out of her hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Em" she's sobbing into my arms.

"It's okay JJ. I promise I'm not mad, and I'm not disappointed. I'm just scared for you, but I could never be mad" my heart breaks for her. How long has she been doing this? I'm normally a heavy sleeper, she could be doing this every night and I wouldn't know.

"Here let's go you back to bed" I help her up and carry her to the bed. I set her down but she won't let me go. "JJ you need to let me go so I can lay down. I will hold you as soon as I get under the covers" She let's go and I walk over to the other side of the bed. As soon as I get under the covers she moves close to me and I take her into my arms.

"It's going to be okay JJ. I love you"

"I love you to Emily. I'm sorry you have to put up with this"

"It's okay JJ. I don't put up with you. I'm here because I love you, and I want to help you"

DIFFICULT, jemily Where stories live. Discover now