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Emily's POV (TW)

I reached out and when I felt the empty spot my eyes shot open. I felt the sheets but they were cold to the touch, meaning they had been empty a while. Still groggy I scanned the room for JJ. I looked at the clock, it read 10:52.

I heard humming coming from the kitchen so I stood up and walked out. The scene I saw was one I'd like to keep forever. JJ had her headphones in while making breakfast, softly humming along to the music.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around her waist. She leaned back a little into me.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep" she asked.

"I slept good, how about you?"

"I also slept good. Now go to a seat the food is about to be done" JJ says.

I walk around the counter and take a seat at one of the barstools. I watched as JJ finished the food and then made our plates.

She joined me on the stools and we sat there enjoying each other's company.

When we were done she asked, "how was the food?"

"It was lovely, darling" I tell her.

"Not as good as your, but I try"

I smiled softly and took both our plates. I washed them and then I joined JJ on the couch.

"We should probably go shopping. We are out of eggs and pancake mix. And we need a few other things" JJ tells me.

"I will go soon"

"I could come with?" JJ says.

"No it's fine. I'll be quick. An hour at most. And in the meantime you could do some laundry" I say with pleading eyes. She knows I hate doing the laundry so she nods.

"Fine you go to the store and I will do the laundry. I made a list of things we need" she tells me.

"Then I will go get ready and then go to the store"


I walk back into the bedroom and change into some casual clothing. I grab the keys and head out.


Emily leaves and I start gathering the laundry. About 5 minutes later I hear a knock at the door. 'Did Emily forget something?' I think.

I walk over to the door and open it. I don't look at who's at the door while I walk away because I figure it was Em.

"Do you forget something Em?"

"Who's Em?" Sandy asks.


"Hi Jennifer"

"I didn't expect you to be here. I thought my friend forgot something"

"Why is your friend here at 11:30 in the morning?"

"She lives with me. It's a long story that I don't feel like explaining right now. Basically she left the country and when she came back the landlord gave her apartment to someone else so she didn't have a place. So I let her move in" I explain to my mom.

"But you only have one bedroom. Does she sleep on the couch, while she looks for other places?" My mother asks.

"No she doesn't sleep on the couch, she sleeps in my bed with me. And no she isn't looking for other places. At least I don't think she is"

"Well that's weird don't you think? Two women sharing a bed together. What if she's a homosexual" my mom says while whispering the last part.

I try to not yell at her. "I don't think it's weird. She's just a friend who needed a place. And it's not like we haven't shared a bed before. We are the only two women on the team. So we always share rooms and sometimes we can't get two beds. And neither of us mind sharing a bed"

DIFFICULT, jemily Where stories live. Discover now