Live Show

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A new day, a new morning, the sun has just risen for Ena, it was 10 a.m. when Mizuki spam called her while she was asleep.
Riiing~! riiinggg! ringgg! beep.
Riiing~! riiinggg!-
"Ugh, who is it in the morning", said Ena half awake, rubbing her eyes. She stretched her hand to the nightstand to check her phone. *Mizuki?!*
Riiingg~! the phone rang on Ena's hands. *ah-! right I gotta pick it up
"What is it in the morning Miz-"
"ENANAN! THE SCHOOL- HOLIDAY! OH MY GOODNESS", Ena can hear screaming from the other side of the phone.
"Chillax Mizuki, tell me properlyy", said Ena.
"Okay okayy, the point is, there's no school for a week! I'm so excited", Ena can tell Mizuki is jumping around her room right now.
*This might be good, maybe then I get some time to relax and focus on myself*, said Ena to herself.
"Can I come over, Enanan?" Mizuki suddenly asks. Ena couldn't believe her ears, did she hear it correctly?? Mizuki wants to come over??? Ena's heart was beating at a million miles per hour and her mind went blank.
"Ena..? It's okay if you're busy.. I can just stay ho-"
"OF COURSE YOU CAN COME MIZUKI-!" Said Ena without thinking, *Crap that was dumb*.
"Really? Okayy! I'm coming over right now!" Mizuki says.
"Ah wait I just woke u-", Mizuki hang up.
Ena bursts out her bedroom and runs to the bathroom, she quickly brushes her teeth and takes a bath. Then she went back to her room to do her hair and wear her best home outfit. "There! That's more like it", Ena giggles.
Ding Dong!~~
"Enanannn! 'Tis I!! Mizuzuuu~!" Said the voice behind the door.
Ena's heart is thumping, the whole room could probably hear it. *You can do this! This is not the first time*, she thought to herself.
Ena's hand trembles slightly as she opens the apartment door... "Welcome, Mizuki-! UH hahaha, please ignore how I look, I just woke up", Ena blushes slightly.
"Nonsense! You look as cute as ever!" Mizuki grins as she enters and closes the apartment door, Ena's face is probably redder than a tomato right now, "Ena, Is Rie not here?" Mizuki asks.
"She probably left to her part time job already", Ena shrugs, "Well, whaddya wanna do?"
"Nothing, really, I'm just bored at home all the time", Mizuki chuckles.
She thinks for a while....
"Do you have anything planned for this holiday? If no, maybe we can plan something together, with Rie too of course", Mizuki says.
"I have nothing planned, I'd be glad to plan things with you", Ena smiles.
*That smile is so cute...*Mizuki thought.
"Uhhhm- Mizuki? You there? I- asked if you wanted tea or not.." Ena says with a confused look.
"Ah-! No thank youu, I'm good, you can make one for yourself", she replies.
The room was giving them the cold awkward look, so Mizuki decided to break the ice.
"Ena, I was thinking maybe we could do something to improve your community on social media and stuff... Hmm, but how?" Mizuki asks.
Ena thinks while making her morning tea
"Oh-! I was invited to do a live show... If you don't mind, can you help?" Ena asks nervously.
"I'd be glad to help! We can invite Rie too, we need all the help we can get", Mizuki laughs, "When did they told you to do the show?"
"This Saturday, I know it's kinda quick", Ena says while drinking her tea now.
"That's more than enough time to prepare", Mizuki says, "By the way can I eat your chips please?"
Ena giggles, "Yes yes you may".
~That evening~

Rie comes home with a tired look on her face, slightly surprised to see Mizuki in the apartment, "Oh! Mizuki, I didn't know you were coming over", you ask.
"Sorry for intruding your apartment, Rie", Mizuki chuckles.
You give a little smirk to Ena, "What have you two been up two since morning?" Rie smiles.
"We were just talking about the live show, remember that one I told you about a few days ago?" Ena replies.
"Ah yes that one, Mizuki will be joining us?" You question them.
"Of coursee! I'll be more than glad to help", she grins.
Rie notices that it was dinnertime and offered Mizuki dinner. She agrees so you three eat your dinner together, from take-out, of course.
"Thank you for the day everyone! I'll be leaving, have a good night", said Mizuki before going out.
Now it's Rie and Ena left in the apartment.
"Oh, so she came over today huh?" You gave her a small smirk.  Ena tries to ignore your smirk, "Yeah, no school for a week".
Ena says goodnight and goes back to her room.
Soon, the day of the live show was coming close, after a lot of preparations, they were ready.

"Aaah tikets are sold out! I'm so proud of you Enaa!" Said Mizuki.
Those three were preparing at the backstage, nervous and scared for the live show.
Once Ena came out of the dressing room, she was looking pretty, as usual, and so does Mizuki and Rie.
"My goodness, you two look stunning", Rie grins.
"YESS! IM TOTALLY SOO READY FOR THIS", Mizuki's eyes gleam bright.
Meanwhile Ena was looking extremely anxious..
Mizuki suddenly hugs ena tightly from the front to calm her down.
A rush of excitement flows throughout ena's body, she blushes, almost like a tomato. Rie saw it and gave her a small chuckle before leaving the room.

A silence appears... "Ena, do you not like the hug-?" Mizuki cuts the hug for a second. Ena is still flustered from just now, but as she gets back to reality, she gained the ability to speak again.
"O-oh no, I loved it, thank you Mizuki... I'm less nervous now", she gives Mizuki a light smile.
Mizuki grins and takes her hand, taking her to the stage, "You look pretty, you're ready for this!"
Ena blushes again, this time, she decided to say it back, "You too!" She grins
Mizuki's face blushes slightly as she walks behind Ena.
The crowd in front were cheering and was excited for Ena's live show.

"Good afternoon everyoneee!" Ena puts on her best smiling face, "As you know, I am Shinonome Ena, today I am accompanied with Mizuki and Rie! We'll do tons of fun things together today, I'll even give art tips", Ena winks at the crowd.
"Soo, what does the people want Ena to draw todayy?" Mizuki asks the crowd excitedly.
The crowd screamed multiple names, but the most heard one was Mizuki's name.
Mizuki was touched.
"How about, we pick random people from the crowd and they will draw Mizuki, we will pick the best one! How does that sound everyone??" Rie exclaims and the crowd agrees.
They pick 15 random people from the crowd to draw Mizuki in 15 minutes. The drawing is displayed on the big screen. Each process and drawing was shown above. Whatever the final results was, it must be good!
15 minutes have passed, it's time to collect the drawings!
Those three find the best drawing together, and when it was time, they announced who it was.
The winner was given a cute bowtie and a goodiebag, specially from Ena.
The crowd cheers once more!
"Now, I should probably tell you all about my journey through art, if you don't mind", Ena smiles, the crowd watches carefully.
"It all started because I wanted to be just as great as my father. It wasn't easy to reach, sometimes he put me down and say that I will never be good enough, but... I have to keep trying! I want to prove them wrong, I can be just as great as my father, or maybe better! Until today, I am still motivated to keep improving."
The crowd was touched by Ena's story and decided to give a calm clap.
Mizuki comes over to Ena and gives her a little hug from behind, which leaves Ena flustered on stage. "I know we all go through these times, but I'm soo glad you decided to keep going Ena! You wouldn't be this great if you gave up", she tightens the hug before letting go. The crowd cheers for those two.
"U-uhm.. Continuing to the show... I shall now give you all important art tip-", just as Ena was speaking, a voice from the crowd stopped Ena's talking.
"All of these sob stories here and there, aren't you just looking for attention??? It's kinda annoying you know?" Their face was covered by a mask.
Mizuki, Rie, and Ena were simultaneously shocked, could this be the hater??
"Yeah! To be honest you suck at drawing, there's a lot of younger artists that are much better, but why are YOU getting all the attention?" Another person exclaims
"She's just seeking for approval guys", they chuckle from the back.
Ena was clearly feeling anxious, her breathing was getting shorter, that's when Mizuki decided to shut down the haters.
"You know? You all are attention seekers as well, doing this for attention and stuff, you all are even wearing masks, cowards!" She says angrily.
"Plus, what do you care about her life? Aren't you all just jealous?" Rie adds.
The crowd are starting to agree
soon the haters were caught, it was a stupid move to show up at a public show anyway.
"Phew... That's over", sighed Mizuki, "Enanan? Are you okay? Don't listen to them. "
"I swear those stupid haters, they're just jealous of you!" Rie continues.
"Thank you for standing up for me guys, I couldn't have done it without you guys", Ena gives them a smile.
Mizuki gave Ena a hug once again, "Always know you're perfect just the way you are. "
"Now that this is all over, we should get a delicious dinner!" Rie suggests.
"YES I AGREE! WHO'S UP FOR RAMEN?" Mizuki says excitedly.
Ena laughs happily.

~~~~~To be continued
Word count: 1700

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