13.The tall guy

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Sunoo pov

I woke up naked in Nikis' arms. He was hugging me so tightly. As I was about to sit down, this kiddo grabbed my arm and hugged me again.

"If you go, then i can't sleep."

"Then don't sleep because we have school now, pabo." I replied while smiling like a devil and stood up from the bed.

Niki also woke up finally. And we started changing. We got to eat our breakfast and took our school bag.

"Let's go! It's 6:50 the bus will come in 10 minutes." I said. He grabbed my hand, and we started running.


"I don't want to be late." He said, and after 10 minutes, we arrived.

We walked to the bus and sat on a seat.

"Niki,let's sit there!" I said and pointed on a seat beside the window. Niki nodded, and we sat on the seat.

Suddenly, I felt something on my shoulder. I looked to see what it was, and it was Niki. He was sleeping ,head on my shoulder.

"Niki, wake up. You already sleep." I whispers into his ear.

Niki shook his head like a no. Grabbed my hand.

"No, I'm too tired for that." He replied

I took a deep breath and gave up.

**After the bus drive**

After a few minutes, we arrived. I woke Niki up, and we walked out.

We saw our couple jaywon, who were supposed to be waiting for us in front of the school door but no. THEY'RE FLIRTING IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL DOOR.

This sheep finally saw me,gave with his elbow a hit on jays arm so he could see us.

Jay, after a few minutes of thinking, finally figured out what jungwon meant.

They waved at us, and we walked to them.

"Bitch, where were you yesterday?!" Jungwon suddenly asked, as he put his one hand on his chest.

I rolled my eyes and then smirked.

"I was just with Niki, nothing more."

I said, jungwon just nodded and then looked at the smirking Niki who was looking at me.

"Uh huh, ok...? Then let's go, Sunoo. We have class together!" Jungwon said, grabbed my hand.

I nodded, gave a last kiss on Nikis' cheek, and we walked away.

At the way, jungwon and I were the whole time talking and didn't even pay attention to everything.

Suddenly, I bumped into someone's chest.

"Uh... watch where you're going!" I said while putting one my hand on my forehead.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you." The guy said.

Somehow, I saw a smirk on his face, but I didn't really pay attention.

"Uh, it's fine." I said and gave him a comfortable smile.

"My name is Daniel, by the way." The guy said as he helped me with standing up.

"Oh, my name is Sunoo. Nice to meet you, I guess." I replied and finally stood up.

Jungwon pov

Sunoo and I were talking until suddenly a blind tall guy bumped into sunoo. I don't even know how he didn't see Sunoo with his tallness. Is sunoo too short?

"Uh... watch where you're going!" Sunoo said.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you." The tall boy said.

I was watching these two until suddenly, jay called me.

"Yes, jay hyung?"

"Wonnie, this Niki doesn't have any battery pack, so he told me to say to you. Please take care of Sunoo."

"Uhm...ok?" I said in a confused tone.

"Okey donkey, I'll go now. Take care, darling. Bye-bye"

After this, the call ended

I put my phone away in my pocket, looked at these ugly asses who were talking and blah blah blah, and spoke out

"Yah, kim Sunoo! We have still class you pabo bitches." I said while rolling my eyes.

Sunoo pov

I had a really nice talk with Daniel until thsi bitch suddenly spoke out.

"Yah, kim Sunoo! We have still class you pabo bitches." Jungwon said. I just rolled my eyes and walked to him.

"Yah! Kim Sunoo! Here is my number, by the way! If you once need me-"

Daniel was cut when suddenly Niki came, took the note from Daniel's number and threw it away. Then, he put his arm on my shoulder

"Aww, really nice from you, Daniel. But he doesn't need it, I'm always for him anyway." Niki said in a cold tone while rolling his eyes.

"Oh, Niki, nice to see you again. And....Sunoo is your boyfriend?" Daniel asked.

Niki smirked at Daniel's sentences, looked at him once again, and spoke out.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend and just mine. I'm so lucky to have him." Niki spoke, and as he started walking away, Daniel spoke out.

"Yes, Riki. You are really lucky. Not everyone can get a cute and sassy boyfriend like Sunoo." Daniel said and walked away.

Niki stopped walking and looked down. I saw the anger on his face and didn't know what to do.

"Niki, calm down. He's just a friend, nothing more." I said and tried to calm him down.

Niki looked at me with his anger, took my jaw, and forced me to look at him.

"You're mine, only MINE, Kim Sunoo. If anyone even touches you, I will make sure the one is already killed. "

HIIIII! I know I didn't Update for a long time and this is because I didn't really had any idea.

But by the way, I know the chapter was really bored and I'm sorry for that. Oki bye-bye

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