Chapter 1

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NEW YORK 5:00 pm.

On the outskirts of New York City, in a small rundown apartment, we see an older-looking man with blond hair and average height getting ready for his night shift at a convenience he puts on his nametag the store is his only source of income and as he is walking past an alley he sees an overwhelming bright light and him being a curious human he decides to find out what made that light and suddenly he hears a cry.


WALTER"Is that a baby who would leave a baby in an alley?"

As he is getting closer to the cry the light slowly dies out and then he sees the baby with a tuft of blond golden hair and sky blue eyes. The moment he laid his eyes on the child his 44-year heart melted instantly and since he saw no one close by he made a life-changing decision and picked the baby off the alley floor and instantly rushed home forgetting about his shift. After a few years, he realized nobody was looking for the child and decided to adopt the child he named Jason after the loss of his first the first time he realized Jason was not normal was when Jason was 7. He floated around the house like it was natural.
WALTER BLAZE(52)"Jason how are you doing that"walking slowly towards him.
JASON BLAZE(7)"I don't know Dad I just wanted to reach to cookies and then I started flying" Now Walter is a man who has been in the navy he has heard and seen a lot but seeing a flying child is a bit to much so he decides to sit on the couch.And as he is watching his son floating all over the place he has an idea.
WALTER BLAZE"Son come down I want to talk to you about something"As Jason slowly floats downwards to the couch and as he looks at his dad he sees a face he only sees when he has done something bad.
JASON BLAZE"Have I done something bad" he says in a small voice while looking at the carpet.
WALTER BLAZE"No son I just want to talk you"
JASON BLAZE"Okay dad"he looks curious as to what his dad is going to ask him
WALTER BLAZE"Son how do you feel about helping people"he said this while looking deep in his eyes.
JASON BLAZE"I want to help everyone strong or weak"he says this with childlike passion
WALTER BLAZE"And what would you say if your old man decides to help and train you"he says this with a smirk.
JASON BLAZE"Really"he ask with a extremely excited expression.
WALTER BLAZE"Really I will make you the greatest hero ever son you will be the guard against evil you'll be the centurion"he jumps up and takes a pridefull hero pose that he has seen on the tv.
JASON BLAZE"...Bleh that name sucks dad"while mimicking a fomiting position.
WALTER BLAZE"Hah you just don't understand great names"suddenly he looks at a picture at his past pregnant wife with his in a yellow suit with a "S" on a belt he smiles and knew the name 


An idyllic American park from our Rockwellian past. A pickup truck pulls up onto a nearby gravel lot.


MARTHA KENT (30s) stalls the engine. Her young son,Clark,(7) apprehensively peeks out at the park from just under thewindow.
MARTHA KENT"Go on, Clark. Scoot."
CLARK"Can't I go with you?"
MARTHA KENT"No, you may not. A woman isentitled to shop on her own once ina blue moon. And it's high timeyou made friends your own age."
Clark watches a group of bigger, rowdier boys play baseballon a diamond in the park.
CLARK "They won't like me."
MARTHA KENT"How will you know unless you try?Go on. I'll be back before you know it. "


Clark watches the other kids play from afar - too scared to approach.He is about to give up when a fly ball plops on the ground at his feet. He stares at it, unsure of what to do.
BIG KID 1(yelling)"Yo, kid. Little help?"
Clark picks up the ball. Unsure he can throw the distance, he hesitates. Rolls the ball over instead.It stops halfway to Big Kid 1, who rolls his eyes, runs over and picks it up.

BIG KID 1"Nice throw."The other kids laugh at him. Humiliated, Clark puts his hands in his pockets and walks away.Big Kid 2 advances on Big Kid 1; takes the ball away fromhim.
BIG KID 2"Watch this."(to Clark)"Hey, kid! Catch!"
Big Kid 2 hurls the ball with all his might and sends it WHIZZING right at Clark.SLO-MO as the ball hurtles towards Clark's unsuspecting back.The sound of the air currents wafting off the spinning ball WHIP-ZOOM over to Clark's ear. Clark's eyes register PANIC.CRACK! In the blink of an eye, Clark PIVOTS on his feet. He catches the ball in one hand, CRUSHING it in his grasp.Stunned, Big Kid 2 runs over.
BIG KID 2"My ball!"Clark opens his hand; stares at the mis shapen mass of leather and string in his palm. He's as shocked as the other kids.
CLARK"I'm sorry..."Big Kid 1 rushes over, looks over the baseball's remains.
BIG KID 1"How'd he do that?"
CLARK"It was an accident!"Big Kid 2 menacingly advances on Clark.
BIG KID 2"You owe me for a ball. Pay up!"Clark cowers; backpedals.
CLARK"Wait! My mom's coming back! She'll get us a new one! Wait!"
Big Kid 2 grabs Clark by the collar.
BIG KID 2"Your mom's not getting you out ofthis, kid." Clark grabs Big Kid 2's hand in a panic; squeezes.
CLARK"Leave me alone!!"Big Kid 2 lets out a GOD-AWFUL SHRIEK. Clark releases himfrom his grip, to reveal kid's hand was CRUSHED to a bloodypulp in his grasp.Big Kid 2 sees the state of his hand and screams even louder.He runs away, crying hysterically.Clark apologetically approaches the remaining kids, who are stunned and horrified.
CLARK"It was an accident..."The other kids back away.
BIG KID 1"Get away from us, you freak!"The other kids run off, shouting:
KIDS"Freak! Freak! Freak!"Clark stands alone in the park. On the verge of tears. The word reverberates in his ears, as its echo fills the park.


His eyes red and bloodshot from crying, Clark sits alone on acurb. He doesn't seem to notice Martha park next to him inher truck.Seeing the look on his face, her heart breaks. She wordlesslysits next to him on the curb, wraps him in a hug.
MARTHA KENT"Oh, honey. I'm sorry."
 CLARK"What's wrong with me?"
MARTHA KENT"Nothing. Kids are just mean sometimes."
CLARK"No, I'm different. I'm a freak." Martha's eyes darken, as if she knows something about Clark.Something she's afraid to tell.
MARTHA KENT"You're not a freak, Clark. You'respecial. And one day, the wholeworld will know it"

Such is the beginning of the Greatest Hero's the world will ever see


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