Chapter 2

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It had been three years since Walter passed away, leaving Jason Blaze (27)with a promise that he had sworn to up hold.10 months had passed since he took up the mantle of the SENTRY, and in that time, SENTRY had become New York's guardian. Despite the chaotic world of rising superheroes,he is focusing solely on his city and the promise he made to his father.

The morning sun peeked over the skyline as Jason finished his patrol of the city. Perched atop one of Manhattan's highest skyscrapers, he took a moment to absorb the serene beauty of the city waking up. The usual hum of traffic was just beginning, and the city seemed peaceful, a rare and precious sight.

SENTRY enhanced senses picked up the distinct sound of a woman screaming several blocks away. In an instant, he was airborne, his golden aura blazing as he flew towards the sound. Within moments, he arrived at a narrow alleyway where a young woman was being harassed by a group of thugs.

SENTRY"Leave her alone,"

The thugs turned, their bravado evaporating as they recognized the glowing figure before them. Without a word, they fled, leaving the woman trembling but unharmed. SENTRY approached her, his aura dimming to a soft glow.

SENTRY"Are you alright?" he asked gently, extending a hand to help her up.

She nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you... thank you so much."

SENTRY"It's what I do. Stay safe."he smiles gently at her.

With a gentle nod, he took off again, the wind whipping past him as he ascended above the city. He scanned the streets below, his mind briefly wandering to his father. The man who had raised him, who had found him as a baby and given him a chance, would be proud of the hero he had become. Despite the loss, he felt his father presence guiding him, a silent promise binding him to his duty.

His next stop was the bustling heart of Times Square. There, he landed discreetly on a rooftop, observing the flow of people. 

His commitment to New York was unwavering

As the day wore on, SENTRY presence was felt throughout the city, even if he wasn't always seen. He foiled a bank robbery in Brooklyn with effortless speed, disarming the robbers before they even knew what hit them. In Queens, he rescued a construction worker trapped under debris, lifting the heavy concrete as if it were weightless.

As evening approached, he found himself in Central Park, a rare moment of quiet in his otherwise busy day. He floated softly on the grass, the twilight casting long shadows over the park.

Sitting on a bench, SENTRY gazed at the stars beginning to appear in the sky.

A soft rustle caught his attention, and he turned to see a young boy watching him with wide eyes. He smiled, the glow around him dimming to appear more approachable.

SENTRY"Hey there," he said warmly. "Everything okay?"

The boy nodded, awestruck. "Are you really the Sentry?"

SENTRY chuckled softly. "Yes, I am."

The boy's eyes lit up. "Thank you for protecting us."

SENTRY heart swelled with emotion. "You're welcome. It's my honor."

As the boy ran off, SENTRY looked at his watch and sees he have to get to work.

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