Echos of Childhood

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Since the dawn of my consciousness, I've navigated a labyrinth of hardships, each twist and turn fraught with the weight of familial burdens. 

From tender years when innocence was a fragile veil, I harbored the belief that resilience was my birthright. 

Amidst the chaos, I clung to the notion that bravery was etched into the marrow of my bones, sustaining me against the tempests of existence.

My parents, unwitting architects of my tribulations, wove a tapestry of trauma and discord that draped heavily over my formative years. 

With each thread of neglect, each knot of discord, they unwittingly bound me to a legacy of suffering. 

Yet, through the fog of adversity, a flicker of hope endured—a whisper that one day, liberation would be mine.

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