6) fruit of the poisoned tree

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Rebekah went in the room with Lydia seeing that Elijah and Klaus were silent and that Aurelia was on Elijah's book while he read a book along with seeing a dead body on the table.

"So, this is what you do the first time we're back together as a family, vampire book club" Rebekah said.

"Reading edifies the mind sister isn't that right Elijah" Klaus said. "Yes, that's quite right Niklaus" Elijah said.

"And what's this business" Rebekah asked motioning to the dead body.

"This is a peace offering" Elijah said. "I presumed after so much time desiccating in a coffin that my big brother might be a bit peckish" Klaus said.

"So, I explained to my little brother that forgiveness cannot be bought I'd simply prefer to see a change in behavior that indicates contrition and personal growth not this nonsense" Elijah said.

"I couldn't very well let her go to waste could I" Klaus said.

"Well, I suppose I'll fetch the rubbish bin because she's staining a 200-year-old carpet" Rebekah said and left while Elijah, Lydia and Aurelia looked.

"Oh yes" Elijah said. "Never thought vampires cared about ancient stuff" Lydia said before going to help Rebekah.

Aurelia saw Hayley go and stopped her from going to the kitchen.

"Wait are you getting food" Aurelia asked. "Yeah" Hayley said.

"Wait for me" Aurelia said and got off Elijah's lap following Hayley in the kitchen. As Elijah saw Aurelia go into the kitchen he followed her.


"Did you have to get off my lap just to get food" Elijah asked Aurelia. "Yes, food is life" Aurelia said and Hayley smiled at them when Rebekah and Lydia came in.

"Listen I know Aura, Lydia, and I are the only ones in this house that actually drinks milk, but would it kill any of you to make sure it's on the grocery list" Hayley said.

"Speaking off add bleach" Rebekah said. "I did start a list it's right there 'Lydia said pointing to it.

"Oh, never mind" Hayley said seeing it and Lydia went to help Rebekah. "You know I do hope my siblings were hospitable toward you in my absence" Elijah said.

"In your absence as you like to call it which is a way too polite way of saying that your brother put a dagger on your heart I have been attacked by French quarter vampires I've had to live in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins and I was nearly murdered by witches who are convinced that my baby is Lucifer if it wasn't for Aura and Lydia I probably would be dead" Hayley said.

"Probably not Lydia would sense it if you were" Aurelia said. "Here you go dear" Elijah said giving Aurelia some food.

"Is this what it's gonna be like if we get married you taking care of me" Aurelia asked. "Yes" Elijah told Aurelia.

"They've been fine your siblings are weirdly protective I know I have you and Aura to thank for that" Hayley told Elijah.

"I'm just happy to see that you're in one piece" Elijah said and kissed Aurelia on the cheek.

"So back to the murderous witches I have some concerns" Elijah said.

"They're evil and my life is still magically linked to Sophie Devereux which is not comforting" Elijah said.

"If only I could kill her without killing you" Aurelia said.

"Aura no killing at least not yet besides I think it's time we took care of that little problem" Elijah said and Rebekah and Lydia walked in.

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