9) Reigning pain in New Orleans

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"Absolutely not I paid for that" Rebekah said as the movers took the furniture. "Please you never paid for anything in your life" Elijah said making his way to Rebekah, Aurelia, and Lydia.

"I hardly see how that's relevant" Rebekah said. "You know better than anyone he's just throwing a temper tantrum he's just punishing us his favorite thing to do well more you and Elijah probably" Aurelia said.

"Well, we've hurt him deeply it would appear" Elijah said.

"We believed the worst about him the one time in a million when the worst wasn't actually the truth" Rebekah said.

"Well, we have places to be" Lydia told Aurelia. "Yep" Aurelia said as she and Lydia stated to leave.

"Where do you think you're going" Rebekah asked. "To make sure Hayley is safe and I don't have to kill your brother or you two" Aurelia said. "You're free to come with" Lydia said.


Hayley was in the hall about to head outside while Klaus was talking to Marcel.

When she saw Diego go up to her. "Going somewhere" Diego asked and before she could answer Aurelia knocked him out.

"Elijah, Aura" Hayley said surprised. "Hey to you too" Aurelia said as Hayley then noticed Lydia was with them. "You shouldn't be here Klaus has his guys watching me" Hayley said.

"I wouldn't worry about them" Elijah said. Hayley saw Rebekah coming over after knocking out some vampires.

"Come we mustn't linger let's get you someplace safe" Elijah said. "We'll deal with Klaus later" Lydia said.

"No, you don't have to worry about me I'm fine I've been deemed under protection by the almighty Klaus t's the werewolves who need help, he ordered a wolf hunt as some jacked up peace offering to Marcel's crew you have to help them" Hayley said.

"Out in the Bayou do we look like a bloody vampire rescue squad" Rebekah asked.

"I think you should be grateful we came to save you" Rebekah said. "Plus, a banshee and a werewolf just so we're clear" Lydia said.

"Listen Rebekah all my life I've wanted to know who my real family was and just as I find out they're out there in the bayou Klaus orders them killed you want to help me help my people please" Hayley said.

"I can turn at will, we could use it at our advantage if plan A doesn't work" Aurelia said.


"I'd rather you didn't" Elijah said making his appearance known with Rebekah, Lydia, and Aurelia.

"What are you doing out here" Diego asked. "He's not a smart vampire is he" Aurelia asked. "I've come to suggest you seek other hunting grounds" Elijah said.

"Suggestion noted" Diego said. "Now Diego it would be such a shame to have to rearrange that pretty face" Rebekah said going to touch him when Diego stopped her.

"Hm not my type" Lydia did. "Diddo" Aurelia said. "What do you care about wolves" Diego asked as he let go of Rebekah's hand.

"Generally, I don't except maybe a certain one" Elijah said giving Aurelia a look who smiled.

"However, this particular clan is not to be touched goodbye" Elijah said and Diego looked at Rebekah. "Bye" Rebekah said.

"Nothing here anyway" Diego said as he and his fellow vampires left.

"Great I guess our job here is done" Rebekah said. "Not quite" Aurelia said running to the noise she heard with Elijah following her. "Oh, hello again" Aurelia said.

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