Meet the Pack

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Taylor's POV
That Liam guy was cute and it's hard not to think about him but thinking about him leads to thinking about the older guy from my vision. It gives me the creeps but I want to see more of Liam and more of the other guys story. Being the new girl sucks, being the new "hot and and mysterious" girl sucks ass. At lunch I'm looking around the room for places to sit and see Liam and his group whispering secretively to each other. There was a dark skinned boy just sitting down that was in my Spanish class, a redhead that looks like a senior, and a girl with short brown hair sitting next to a cute in a nerdy way guy and they're obviously a couple, and Asian girl that looks like a senior that was sitting next to the guy from my vision. the guy from my vision and the girl next to him shared a kiss as Liam noticed me. He smiled and waved me over. I was relieved and worried about the boy and my vision. Liam sat back in his chair looking comfortable and said "lone wolf meet everybody, and everybody met lone wolf " "hi I'm Taylor" I said. "I'm not stupid Wolf." Everybody introduce themselves. Mason, Lydia, Malia, Stiles, Kira and Scott. Scott. That was his name. "So where are you from," Kira asked. " I moved here last year from New York." "I am from..... A lot of places," I answered. Scott and Stiles looked at each other but said nothing. I knew they were thinking I was something but I don't know what. " ugh I'm in foster care, I have been since I was three. I've moved around every few years, trying to keep things interesting, you know?" I wanted to break the silence I told him the truth I didn't know what else to say. "Oh trust me we keep it interesting," Lydia said. Yeah I thought, because you're a senior and probably go to parties every night. But somehow I knew that wasn't the truth that sentence had a lot more meaning. Later on the bus ride home I'll burn that I was right. There was a lot more meaning to those 7 words. I had another vision. The bite was from an alpha werewolf, Scott was a werewolf, he was cursed. And I remember meeting him maybe an hour ago that it was a curse, and a gift. Heaven and hell, a dream and a nightmare. Oh if only this was a dream and I could wake up. When I said I moved around a lot maybe they thought I was a hunter, why, i don't know. I also don't know where Allison is, she wouldnt have moved again would she? I feel like I know her better than I should after two visions, it's like she's a part of me. "Shit!" I San Jose almost missed my stop on the bus thinking about everything letting it sink in. as I turned the key and opened the front door it was like a lock was being broken in my mind. They all had to know. Liam, Mason, Lydia Malia, Kira, they all had to know right? Tomorrow I will ask Liam and if he thinks I'm crazy I'll act drunk. Thinking about Liam almost made me feel buzzed. Smiling I realize that it was my phone not me. It was a text, ' hey Tay it's Liam there's a party tonight want to go?' Maybe I wouldn't have to wait till tomorrow to ask him.

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