🔒Quarantined: Dupe x Reader (Friendly)🔒

62 2 21

Dupe is Male
Reader is Female
Requested by Caldera_Scarab!

Unlike most of her friends, Y/N was a fierce girl. She wasn't afraid of nothing, and she was constant doing something.

But it all came down to a Friday evening, when the jocks of her school dared her to visit the abandoned hotel near city and record everything, to see if she really was the fierce girl they thought.

Y/N, without any second thoughts, immediately accepted the challenge, and she went to the Hotel with a few snacks, her cellphone, and her earbuds, because she always listens to music anywhere she goes.

She climbed the staircase that led to the Hotel's front door, and stared at it skeptically. How is the building still powered on after so many years?

But she didn't care. She had a challenge to complete, and she entered the Hotel lobby, and took the nearest elevator. She was headed to end this as fast as possible.

After some seconds of going down and jamming to the elevator's jingle, Y/N headed towards the door, that was locked, but the key wasn't that far.

Y/N picked the key up, twisted it inside the lock, and passed through the doorframe. One door down; more who knows left.

She walked through the empty halls, looking around the drawers. Maybe she could find something to bring with her after her adventure.

But it all got weird only 11 doors in. She entered a plus shaped room, but the room had two labeled doors.

"Eh, I can just check it back." Y/N muttered under her breath, and took a few steps back, to see the label vandalized.

"What-" Y/N said. How the hell did the label just get vandalized after five seconds? She didn't have time for questions.

Y/N went for a normal door ahead of her, and saw a chest behind it. She opened and found some coins and a flashlight. Who could've possibly left that there?

"Eh, it's mine now, I guess." Y/N stammered, heading towards the middle of the room, looking at the 12th door on her left, and the 13th door on her right.

Y/N wondered for a bit. She didn't keep count of the doors she opened, so she was stuck. What would happen if she opened one of the doors? Would she teleport a few rooms ahead? Or was there a nasty surprise lurking behind one of the doors? A lot of theories raced across Y/N's mind.

She headed for the 12th door, and when she opened it, she saw a corridor turning to the left ahead. One door down, but what was behind the other door?

Y/N stepped closer to the door, and before she could open it, she heard a faint sound coming from it. It sounded like... Breathing? Heartbeat? Y/N was confused. Was there someone behind the door?

Y/N nervously opened the door and saw... Nothing. Pure darkness. She turned on the flashlight, and saw it was a normal hotel room, but without any lightbulbs.

"Hello? Whatever or whoever you are, can you hear me?" Y/N's voice boomed through the room, and she would get her response a few seconds later.

"Never thought a human would show up here after so many years..." A raspy voice came from one of the corners of the room, sending shivers down Y/N's spine.

"Where are you? What are you?" Y/N looked for the source of the voice, flashing the flashlight at the room, and she stopped when she saw a black humanoid creature with a red aura around them, sitting against the wall, staring at Y/N with an unamused look,

"What... Are you..?" Y/N managed to say, wondering what the f*ck was that thing. Was it a human? Apparently no, but monsters don't exist...

"Listen, you might be confused and wondering what in tarnation am I. Well, I'm Dupe, nice to meet you, and I was supposed to catch you off guard after you opened the door, but I didn't feel like doing so." The thing explained.

"So... You're a monster that is supposed to kill me?" Y/N asked, confused.

"Bingo." Dupe said, getting up, and he also had very long arms, with claws as hands.

"You look like a creepypasta." Y/N said, chuckling.

"I know. Slenderman is pretty fire." Dupe commented, stepping closer to Y/N, revealing a mask with a hand drawn toothy smile.

"You know what creepypastas are? Wow... Never thought you were so cultured." Y/N joked, looking at the thing in front of her.

"Yeah. I'm pretty aware of practically everything in this world. I know some countries are at war, elections are going on... Yeah. Pretty simple." Dupe said, chuckling.

"How do you know so much if you never leave here? Because you look like you need some sunlight." Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You know internet exists, right?" Dupe sarcastically asked, pulling out his phone from a hidden pocket in his... Pants? Legs?

"I didn't think you had a phone-" Y/N chuckled.

"Well, modern times need modern stuff." Dupe said, shrugging.

"True... We have so much in common, don't ya think?" Y/N commented, smiling.

"Eh, I think you're right. But I'm not leaving." Dupe coldly said, refusing to leave his lair.

"Buddy, you need to get vitamin d and touch some grass." Y/N protested, grabbing Dupe's arm.

"Sorry, no can do." Dupe refused, looking at the girl.

"Come on... It's not that hard." Y/N whined, pouting.

"... Fine. I guess I can afford leaving... Lemme get my stuff. I'm tired of living here." Dupe groaned, heading towards the darkness, and returning with a backpack and a bag. Probably stuffed with his things.

"You won't regret it." Y/N winked, grabbing Dupe's hand and dragging him out of his room, determined to give him a new life.

" Y/N winked, grabbing Dupe's hand and dragging him out of his room, determined to give him a new life

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