17-Crimson Acts

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Two days had passed, and my embarrassment had only deepened. Jake still hadn't returned home since that night, and it was glaringly obvious that he had no desire to see me. I couldn't shake the memory of how he had avoided my gaze when I had mustered the courage to join him in the jacuzzi. His eyes had darted everywhere but to me. That night had forced me to confront a troubling possibility: that my husband might be gay or asexual. I wasn't sure of the terminology, but I was certain that Jake harbored desires that didn't involve me. It was a stark departure from my usual experiences. I had never been the type to throw myself at men, but I had been on missions where seduction was a tool, and it had always been successful. Men had always looked at me, whether I was dressed conservatively, in women's clothing, or completely nude. But Jake... he was different. He didn't look at me in that way, and for the first time in my life, I felt invisible to him.

The sound of the doorbell echoed through the mansion, a sharp and unexpected noise in the usually quiet halls. Few visitors ever came to the house besides the staff, Jake, who had his own set of keys, and the guards stationed outside. It was rare for anyone else to ring the bell, making the sound all the more unsettling. Curiosity piqued, I left my room to investigate, making my way to a vantage point where I could see the front doors from above. The window here offered a view of the entrance, complete with a cozy seating area and a small coffee table. As I looked down, I saw him standing there, a figure I hadn't noticed before. It was strange how he seemed to blend into the background, like a ghost haunting the halls of the mansion. Despite living there myself and considering it my home, he moved about as if he were the owner and I the guest. In fact, I realized, I was the one who used the house's amenities and facilities more often than he did.

The scene unfolded before me as I watched from above. A blonde woman stood beside Jake, her car parked near the fountain outside. She was dressed in a black skirt and a striped shirt, exuding youthfulness, health, and undeniable beauty. From my vantage point, I could see her full lips moving as she spoke to Jake, but his attention was fixed on the files in his hands. Despite her efforts to draw his gaze by leaning closer, he remained engrossed in the documents. Her actions led me to wonder if she was a gold digger, seeking to attract Jake's attention for her own gain. 

Just as I was pondering this, Ethan's voice broke through my thoughts. "You think your husband is weird right?"His sudden presence surprised me, and I couldn't help but wonder how he had managed to arrive without me hearing him. His question about Jake's behavior only added to my confusion, leaving me with more questions than answers.

"What the heck are you trying to do here?" I demanded, feeling a surge of frustration at Ethan's sudden appearance and accusatory tone. His response was mocking. "And what about you? Stalking your husband from the window?" His words stung. I wasn't stalking; I was merely observing and analyzing Jake's behavior, trying to make sense of his recent actions. Frustrated, I decided to confront Ethan with a question of my own. 

"Do you have any other sexualities in your family?" I asked, my tone firm. I wasn't sure what to expect from his answer, but I was prepared for anything. Ethan's puzzled expression only deepened my frown. Did he not understand English, or did I need to speak to him in Russian to make myself clear?

" What do you mean?" he finally replied, his confusion evident.

"Is your brother gay?" I pressed, hoping to get a clear answer or confirmation of my unspoken conclusion. Ethan's laughter only served to irritate me further. I frowned even deeper, my frustration mounting until both our expressions froze as Jake's voice cut through the tension.

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