Oh god another one

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After Ruins attempt on Solars death, He has been locked in the basement, noone wanting him to be set free, and for a very good reason.
Along with this they have discovered the other two in Solars head, Nova and BlackHole, neither don't want to be in Control at all. Earth and Lunar have not been told about Solars almost death

Anyways while Solar and Moon were clearing the daycare the portal opened and the two looked up to the noise, a new person was thrown out through the portal and they quickly got up and ran back to where it was looking around frantically, panicked,
"W-where? No-no-nonononononono" they repeat over and over as Solar and Moon walk up to the new animatronic
They turned to them, eyes darting around
"W-where am I? Wh-who are you? I- nono not important" they turn back to the portal
They have a hat and rays one side of them is a light yellow the other a very dark blue, both their eyes are blue but the right ones sclera is black, the left is white three of there rays are cracked
"You, alright there buddy?" Moon asks,
"Well uh? I D-Dont like asking for much b-but i-f you two knew how, uh, could you help me g-get ba-ck where I came? I-im needed at home" The New Ray figure asks
"Yeah? You came through the portal in the ball pit, so we can send you back" Solar says
"O-oh thank you! Thank you so much"
"No problem" Moon says as he walks to the daycare desk as Solar and the new ray follows
"So name?" Solar asks
"H-huh? O-oh I'm uh, Eclipse? That's what I get called," The Ray says
"Alot of people here Used to be called that" Moon says
"O-oh? W-why change it?"
"Cause the Eclipse here is not a good person" Solar adds
"Or at least wasn't. You two seem to get along nowadays tho" Moon says
"O-oh dear, that's not good I-i don't understand why I'm called Eclipse"
"Meh, you aren't staying so there's not much of a problem" Solar says
"Actually there is"
"Dimension Locked" the computer adds
"That." Moon adds
"You gotta be fu-" Solar sighs
"W-what does that mean?" They ask
"We can't access your dimension, but yours can access ours,".
"In other words we have to find a new name for you for now"
"I-i can't get h-home?"
"Sadly not" Moon says
"Oh, nonono" they say
"I-im needed at home!" They add
"We can find away, for now you are stuck here, less you wanna head to another world?" Moon suggests
"W-what if you can reach me there? O-or worse, that world is also locked?"
"Hm, that's fair I guess" Moon says.
"Welcome to our shit whole of a world" Moon says
"Alot better then mine?"
"Yep, Oh right, names uh, im Solar I was called Eclipse but changed it" Solar says
"I'm Moon, what name do you want?"
"O-oh? A-any name?" They ask
"Yeah? Sure,  as long as its not a name we already have" Solar adds
"Uhh, ok who do we have?" They ask
"Sun, Moon, Eclipse, Solar, Lunar, Earth, Ruin, thats all I think you can take"
"Then you can call me Jaws!" Jaws says happily
"Tho I will be leaving as soon as possible"
"That's fair" Moon adds "Solar can you show them around if you aren't busy?"
"Yeah can do, Cmon," Solar walks out of the gate waiting for Jaws to follow him, Jaws follows

A/N Jaws needs to get home but when they finally can, will they?

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