18-Scandalous Orch

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As I scanned the room, my gaze caught on three guests whose eyes were fixed on us, observing our every move with a keen interest. I could almost feel their scrutiny, their eyes dissecting our postures and likely eavesdropping on our conversation. They were like vultures, seeking out any hint of scandal or gossip to feast upon. I despised these people, with their insatiable appetite for drama, always ready to pounce on any perceived weakness or flaw. 

Tonight, all eyes were on us, especially on her. She was not accustomed to crowds, let alone the scrutiny of a masquerade ball where she was openly on display. These people, these strangers, felt entitled to judge her, to pick her apart as if she were some kind of exhibit. But I knew they wouldn't find any vulnerabilities, not a single one. She was a master of hiding her true feelings, a skill honed through years of living in the spotlight."Thank you, Andrew," I replied coolly as the Duke of York approached us, accompanied by his daughter Sana. They both held fancy wine glasses, adding to the air of opulence that surrounded us. I grunted inwardly, wishing Ethan were here to handle this conversation. I had no desire to engage with the Duke, who had been pushing his daughter towards me ever since it became clear that I was next in line for the throne.

I took a slow sip of my drink, nodding along as Andrew discussed a recent division in Europe that had put all the members in a difficult position. Politics was always messy, and chaotic, and often brought out the worst in people. Some were spiteful and just plain nasty, while others seemed to stumble along without a clue. I noticed the way Sana's eyes lingered on my wife, and I couldn't help but smirk. Anna, however, seemed completely unfazed by the attention, her indifference mirroring my own feelings. At least we could agree on something.

"If your neckline was any lower, your nipples would be on display," Sana rasped, her tone dripping with envy. Anna, ever the master of composure, simply rolled her eyes in response. "That would be scandalizing, wouldn't it?" she remarked, brushing off the comment with ease."All the more enticing and fancier," a voice interjected, drawing my attention. I turned to see a man with dark brown hair and brown eyes, the epitome of typicality. "I have to say, you look absolutely ravishing," he continued, his gaze lingering on Anna."Watch it," I warned, my tone laced with a hint of warning."Oh, c'mon. I'm just admiring your wife," he drawled, his British ugly accent adding to the arrogance of his demeanor.

"And you are?" Anna inquired, her eyes narrowing as she assessed him. He was a big man, standing at the same height as me and Ethan, but there was a certain arrogance in his smirk that matched my own.

The man, Louis Malyano, reached forward, his hand practically engulfing Anna's pale hand with its contrasting brown skin. He brought her hand to his lips, kissing the back of it, his lips lingering for a second too long. I felt a surge of jealousy but masked it with a tight smile as I watched her allow the gesture." Louis Malyano," he introduced himself, his voice thick with teasing. "The Duke of Kent. We studied together in high school, you know. Your husband here was quite the nerd."Anna pressed her lips together, clearly unimpressed. "I know," Louis agreed with a chuckle. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Louis," she replied politely."The pleasure is all mine, Lady Anna," Louis grinned, taking a sip of his champagne as he watched the guests mingle. I felt increasingly out of place, like a bystander in my own life."Why are you standing here without champagne? Let me serve you some," Louis offered, calling over a server before I could respond. His casual demeanor grated on my nerves, fueling my envy and discomfort.

"You need something, your honor?" a server interrupted us."A champagne for the lady, please," Louis requested, his tone smooth."I don't drink. Thank you," Anna declined politely, her response drawing a frown from both Louis and me. Her refusal left an opening for judgment, and I could practically feel Sana's eyes on us, assessing the situation.

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