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"Dan, can u please come here?" Phil groggily called out. Loud shuffling feet could be heard as Dan rushed to Phil.

Dan barged into his friends room and the first thing he noticed was a pale looking Phil wrapped up in his blankets.
"Dan, I think I've become sic-"
"Oh my god Phil are you okay? What happened?" Dan gushed the words out interrupting Phil.

"Well if you'd let me finish," Phil started to say his throat becoming sore, "I am sick."

Dan stretched out his arm and pushed his sick friend's hair off to the side from his sweaty forehead. He then pressed the back of his hand firmly on Phil's forehead feeling intense heat.

"You're burning up, I think you have a fever." Phil nodded in agreement and started to cough hard, causing his head to throb. Dan left suddenly and Phil noticed how he missed his presence.

To Phil it felt like hours later when Dan finally returned to him. With a wet cloth Dan carefully laid it on his boiling forehead, and it cooled Phil off within seconds.
"Dan," Phil choked out.
"Hmm what is it?"
"Thank you."

Dan smiled and his famous dimples appeared. His cheeks managed to blush a light pink. He noticed how Phil was looking at him and suddenly found himself staring at him too. For some reason Dan felt this nice and didn't notice the quietness. After a little bit however he had become embarrassed and shifted his gaze to the wall.

"So, uh, I think I'm going to sleep."
"Oh, ok then." Dan replied sounding a little disappointed. He surprised himself how sad he sounded to have to leave Phil's sick side.

"But, Dan, can you please do one more thing for me before I fall into a slumber?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Comfort me please, my head aches so much."

Dan felt a little overwhelmed and excited at the same time. Phil needed comfort and he was there to help.

Slowly he approached his flat
mates sore head. He started to rustle his fingers in Phil's hair and made small circles. A quiet moan escaped from Phil's mouth and he started to slowly close his eyes.

When Dan heard his soft snores and watched his chest fall up and down he whispered to him, "Good dreams," and left his room.

Phil's sickness (PHAN Fluff)Where stories live. Discover now