''You look cold'' (Larvis) - part 1

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Larry Johnson's POV: 

Warning: Cursing 

I was walking outside. It was dark and rainy. Momma let me bring her umbrella so I didn't get soaked while I was out. It was freezing out so I was in some sweatpants, Sanity's fall t-shirt, and a jacket. i just left Ash's house. We were working on a school project. My god it was so boring. I fucking hate English class. We had to write a summary about some dumb ass book.

I end up stepping in a large ass puddle and I soak my shoe. "Ah god dammit! Why does this shit always happen to me, man? UGHHH"

I begin to shake my foot, trying to shake some of the water off. "Ewwww! My sock is wet! How deep was that god damn puddle! FUCKING HELLLLL!"

I groan and continue walking back to the apartments.  My foot is now cold and my face is also beginning to feel cold. I hate feeling cold. It's so uncomfortable. I let out a dramatic sigh,

"I fucking hate winter! It's so god damn cold and I hate it. Winter is so pointle-... Who the hell is that?" 

I look ahead to see some person with bright yellow hair. They're in a t-shirt and what seems to be jean shorts. Who the HELL is wearing those clothes in this type of weather?

I begin to walk up to the person. As I get closer, I realize it's fucking Travis Phelps. He has a busted lip and a bloody nose. Did he get his ass beat or something?

"Dude, why are you out here in those clothes?" - Larry

"Don't worry about it." - Travis

Travis' teeth are chattering. He's obviously freezing. 

"What happened to your lip?" - Larry

"I fell.. Why do you care?" - Travis

"I don't know.. I was just wondering.." - Larry

"Well I-. Just mind your business." - Travis

"You look cold.. And It's pouring out. Do you wanna.. walk to the apartments with me.?" - Larry

Why the fuck am I even helping him. This is shit Sal would do, not me.

"Uhm.. Sure..?" - Travis

Ah dammit! and he accepted. 

"Okay.. uhm." I walk towards Travis, offering him a place under the umbrella. He hesitated but  he ended up walking next to me, shielding himself from the rain with the umbrella. 

"Thanks.." - Travis

"No problem!" - Larry 

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