Chapter Three: Movie Night Insanity

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Trigger warnings / Disclaimer:

-OK I know y'all are horny so before you read just letting you know there's no smut (and there probably won't be for the rest of this book)

-Yandere Mumbo?


This "harem" will include:
Scarian (Scar x Grian), Grumbo, (Grian x Mumbo), Iskall x Grian, possibly BigB x Grian?

(If you have any requests for stories make them here btw! I can't promise I'll do them but I need ideas lol. for ideas---> I am familiar with Demon Slayer, MHA, Naruto, other animes, etc. I am also familiar with LoZ, PJO, Harry Potter, & ATLA if anyone likes that.)

P.S. I don't own any artwork.

Onto the story! Hope you enjoy! (Hopefully it won't be too long or boring, I have problems with writing things too detailed)


(Third Person Grian's POV)

I'm not sure I want to let Scar into my hobbit hole. It's pretty messy; I haven't cleaned in ages. And my chest monster is insane. And also... my nest is in there. I kind of don't want him to see it. What if he calls me weird? I'm not sure he knows about my birdy instincts...

But alas. "I was the one to suggest he come over after we got distracted from our tasks. Now I have to live with my impulsive decisions." 

Grian gulped back his fears. Scar wouldn't hurt him in any way. In fact... Scar is one of the only Hermits Grian would trust with his life. 

As they approached the front door, Grian paused, feeling he needed to say something to explain the mess before they went inside. 

"Before we enter, Scar... Um..." Grian stuttered. "It's pretty messy, sorry... I haven't had much time to clean since I started to build my castle..."

"Oh, that's alright," Scar laughed. "Mine is to tbh."

Grian smiled gratefully. Typical Scar. 

They went in, Scar noticing the clutter but not saying anything. There were sweaters and blankets and feathers everywhere, and don't get me started on the books and clothes on the floor. And was that sugarcane?? 

"Wanna watch a movie or smtng?" Scar asked after a couple of moments. Grian paused, looking at his watch. "uhh, sure... the remote's on the side table," he said, gesturing to the right vaguely. Grian was thinking hard. Maybe it was too much to hope for, but perhaps Scar wouldn't even see his nest. "What about Titanic?" Scar asked. Grian nodded. "It's about 4:00 already. Somehow."

Scar put on the movie. As the opening theme started to play, Grian closed the blinds and sat down next to Scar, leaning on him slightly. 

(Third Person Scar's POV)

"Oh my God, he's leaning on me. This feels so nice... And he's so tiny, he fits perfectly there! He's just in the crook of my arm! I wonder, would he let me..."

Scar slowly raised his arm and put it around Grian, letting his forearm rest gently on the avian's left shoulder. Grian tensed, then relaxed, and seemed to lean even further into Scar. Scar felt like he was about to explode. "That is SO CUTE," He thought once he could comprehend thoughts.

They sat there in that position for most of the movie, Scar being too afraid to move for fear the birdy would fly away (lol sorry), Grian because he was comfortable but still wondering why Scar had put his arm around him. Either way, neither of them were really paying attention to the movie.

When it ended, Scar suggested another movie, this time The Princess Bride. Grian said, "sure, why not," though he was yawning. Just a couple minutes into the movie, and he was already asleep, drooling on Scar.

Scar raised his phone and took a picture. In the photo, Grian was leaning on Scar with his head rested on his chest. Scar's arm was around him. "Agearnfiunfesdijengouweabsdlgdiujbfidsan," Scar thought, once again losing the ability to think beyond "AGH HE'S SO CUTE!"

Without thinking, Scar sent the photo to Mumbo. He had to show someone. He needed someone to talk to about this. Otherwise he might actually explode.


                          *sends image*

[Mumbo: wait, what...?]

[Scar: Grian is DROOLING on me!]

Of course, Mumbo didn't know that Scar has a crush on Grian. But by these few texts alone, he was able to string two and two together somewhat. 

[Mumbo: oh, that's... cute]

[Scar: Ikr?!]

Scar, not taking a hint that Mumbo didn't like this, kept talking. It also never once occurred to him that Mumbo might figure out he has a crush on Grian.

[Mumbo: listen man, I gtg ok? Um, have fun or smhng]

[Scar: oh kk, we will <3]

(quick third person Mumbo POV because WE LOVE THE DRAMA)

"How dare he. Send me a photo of him, with my Grian. Grian was friends with me before Scar even knew he existed. Grian likes me more, obviously! So why is he with him?"

Mumbo threw his phone across the room in anger and jealousy."Scar. He obviously has a crush on Grian. It couldn't be more clear to me. But I can't let this happen. I love Grian. I need him."

"Maybe if I hang out around Grian more often, it'll draw him away from Scar?" When that thought surfaced, Mumbo stood up abruptly, pacing the room, until he came upon an empty bulletin board.

He grabbed a photo of Grian, and Scar. Printed out the photo that Scar sent him. Then he did the stereotypical thing where he did the pushpin-red-yarn crazy board of insanity.

"I will have Grian," Mumbo said aloud. "And if I can't have him... No one can."


That's it! TYSM for 34 views! It means a lot to me.

Sorry it took so long for a part three lol. School just started back up so things are... YA KNOW.


I'll try to get out the next part soon, but no promises hehehehee

952 words :3

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