Episode 2 (Part 2)

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Kujo Mansion-Tea Rooom

While Jotaro was busy attending to his daily life, Avdol and Joseph had time to discuss small talk. Avdol and Joseph sat in a traditional Japanese room with woven straw mats, soft natural light filtering through shoji screens, and the faint scent of freshly polished wood. Avdol had a conventional tea frother made from thinly carved bamboo. The bamboo tea frother dances in a ceramic bowl, whisking vibrant green matcha into a frothy elixir. Delicate yet vigorous strokes create a whirlpool of emerald hues, releasing an earthy aroma and producing a velvety texture that epitomizes the essence of traditional matcha tea. "Damn it, this room is so cramped! This is why I hate Japan. Avdol, how can you stand this?" Joseph looked around, feeling cramped in the room. "I find it quite fascinating... the 'Way of Tea,'" Avdol held up the bamboo frother. "'Way of Tea,' my ass. Instant coffee will do just fine."

Joseph groaned and made himself a cup of instant coffee. "Speaking of Dio..." Avdol started causing Joseph to stop and listen carefully. "Mr Joestar, as long as we can sense his existence, we must assume he can sense ours." Avdol took a sip of the tea he brewed. "indeed. But we don't know his next move or even what his powers may be." Joseph took a sip of his coffee. "Gah, Japanese coffee is awful!" He let out a loud shriek of complaints. "It's from America." Avdol stated, slightly confused. "Hm?" Joseph grunted, unwilling to continue the conversation.

School Infirmary

"Jojo, how did you get that cut?" The Nurse asked Jotaro as he sat in her office chair. The office was relatively large, and two others were lying on the sick beds behind him, a lot of extra space. "And take that hat off!" The Nurse continued lecturing him as he rocked back and forth in the chair out of boredom and irritation. "It's rude," she added and came over to snatch the hat off Jotaro's head; Jotaro ducked his head slightly, not allowing the woman to take off his hat. "For God's sake," the Nurse let out a huff of disappointment at Jotaro's refusal to cooperate.

"Come on, Doc, has Jojo ever gotten hurt in a fight? Yeah, think about it." One of the students lying on the beds behind commented. "Yeah!" The other delinquent student snickered. "I suppose you're right," the Nurse said softly. "Okay, I'll believe you fell down, your grace." The Nurse held out a pair of scissors. "Hey, hold on. What are you going to do?" Jotaro moved away from her as she leaned closer to inspect his wound. "I'm going to cut off your pants." The Nurse replied. Jotaro hastily got up and turned to face her. "Quit joking around," Jotaro mumbled. "Well, I can't treat you otherwise," The Nurse put a hand on her hip. "I'll take it off. You'll ruin a perfect pair of pants." Jotaro turned around. "Who knew you were such a cheapskate. And while Jojo does that, I'll take your temperatures to prove you're faking." The Nurse turned to talk to the two students on the beds. "No, we've got colds. Let us go home early," The two complained like little kids, causing the Nurse to giggle softly as she held out a pen. "Nope," she replied in a kind tone. Jotaro was taking off his jacket when the handkerchief Kakyoin gave him fell out. Jotaro reached down to pick it up and noticed some black marks on it. "What is this?" He said out loud as he stared in shock. The handkerchief had Japanese characters written, which read, "Jotaro Kujo, today you die at the hands of my Stand! Signed Noriaki Kakyoin" in black ink. "Kakyoin?" Jotaro repeated, still in shock. His attention was suddenly grabbed by his classmate's fearful voice. "Doc?"

One of them crawled towards the bedboard to escape the Nurse. "What are you doing?" The other asked, just as scared. The Nurse was flicking her wrists and arms in different directions, causing the pen's ink to squirt. "Can't you see? I'm shaking out the thermometer for you!" She replied with her eyes rolled back and a dreadful expression. "Thermometer? Doc... Doc, that's a pen!" The students stuttered in fear. "A pen? A pen, you say? Does this look like a pen to you?" The Nurse's mouth started to excruciate white bubbles from the corners of her mouth. "What imbeciles you boys are! Do you actually think this thermometer is a pen?" She yelled as Jotaro noticed a thick green rope connecting membranes traveling up the floor to the Nurse's leg and up her clothes. "Why don't you take a closer look!" She yelled and gorged one of the student's eyes. Thick red drips of blood streamed out, the student's pain-filled scream echoing throughout the room as the Nurse's laughter creeped Jotaro and his other classmate out. "My eye! My eye!" The student yelled and rolled off the bed, rolling uncontrollably to cope with the pain, while the other student screamed in fear and ran away. "Jojo... you aren't going to tell me this looks like a pen, too, are you?" The Nurse turned to ask Jotaro, her voice starting to distort and bubble. She suddenly pulled back her arm, and with one drunken-like movement, she swung at Jotaro with the bloodied pen in her hand.

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