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7 years later

It has been a couple of years since the king of Curses made his arrival in hell getting the title of an overlord after the chaos he spread across hell from killing some Overlord to destroying cities to mark his territories and put fear into the hearts of sinners all around hell it was just after the annual extermination where angels called exterminators come down and kill the demon to help overpopulation.

[Y/n wakes from his slumber he sits up and stretches. He looks around his traditional Japanese home he gets up puts on his robe and heads out of his room he walks to his kitchen where Uraume is cooking.]

Uraume: Morning Lord Sukuna.

Y/n: Morning.

[Y/n sits down at the table where Uraume puts a cup of coffee next to him he grabs it and takes a sip.]

Y/n: What's on the menu today?

Uraume: Fried Imp with a side of diced Sinner my lord.

[Y/n nods opens a newspaper and reads what is on the inside seeing that the princess of hell is going to be on the news. Uraume soon finishes cooking puts it on a plate walks over to Y/n and puts it in front of him. He puts the newspaper down grabs a fork and knife and begins to dig in.]

Uraume: How is it? My lord.

[Y/n swallows a piece.]

Y/n: Cooked to perfection as always.

Uraume: Im glad to hear that. my lord.

[Y/n continues to eat.]

Y/n: Get my bath ready.

[Uraume nods and walks off to set his bath.]

[Cut to Y/n in front of his bath he gets undressed enters his bath and sits down.]

Y/n: So any news today?

Uraume: First 16% of the population was lost to the extermination this year.

Y/n: That much? wow, there getting more aggressive.

[Y/n Smiles.]

Y/n: Maybe next time they be more than ants under feet.

Uraume: Second the Vees have invited you to do an ad for them. again.

Y/n: Those guys again?! I swear they just don't go away. 

[Y/n quickly stands up.]

Y/n: Tell them if they ask again I will use their bones as toothpicks!

Uraume: *Blushes* Um u-understood.

[Uraume looks away.]

Uraume: Blushes* B-but my lord your lower parts are exposed.

[Y/n looks down and sees that he in fact is he quickly sits down.]

Y/n: Tch.

Uraume: Anyways. Third You have a a couple meeting in 4 hours.

Y/n: Ughhh. *lays down in the water* How many?

Uraume: 16 my lord.

Y/n: Ughhh. Fuck.

1 hour later

[Y/n is in his room scrolling through channels on his TV until it lands on the 666.]

King Of Rainbow?! (Male Sukuna reader x Hazbin Hotel) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now