The Mall

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I really liked this chapter so I copied it and made it more in line with this book btw.

[The Hazbin Gang is seen sitting on the couch watching a movie for a bonding exercise, while Charlie seems invested in the movie the rest not so much.]

Charlie: isn't it nice to be bonding with each other?

[Charlie looked around and saw that the rest of them were not even watching Angel was looking at her phone, Alice was playing with her cane, Husk was sleeping, Niffty was trying to kill a bug, Sir Pentious was fixing with his raygun, Y/n was staring off into nowhere, the only was paying attention was Vaggie.]

[Charlie's face saddened, Vaggie noticed and takes a look around getting upset.]

Vaggie: Ok that's it!

[Vaggie gets up and grabs Angel's phone.]

Angel: Hey! What's your problem?!

[She wakes up Husk, She picks up Niffty and sits him on Y/n's lap getting his attention, and walks in front of the TV.]

Vaggie: OK!, It seems that none of you are partaking in this exercise.

Angel: Well maybe if you pick an interesting movie.

[Vaggie makes an annoyed face.]

Vaggie: What will get you guys to partake?

Husk: A bar.

Vaggie: No.

Niffty: We could all kill Bugs together!

Vaggie: No.

[She looks at Y/n.]

Vaggie: You got any suggestions?

Y/n: We could go downtown and massacre everyone there.

Vaggie: No.

Y/n: Worth a shot.

Angel: We could go to the mall.

Vaggie: That's.. Not a bad idea

[Charlie's face lit up from Angel's idea.]

Charlie: That's a Great idea!

Charlie: It's settled We're going to a mall!

1 hour later

[It cuts to the gang walking into a mall.]

Charlie: We're here! So have fun don't do anything sinful, And most importantly bond with each other!

[They all scatter going their separate ways. Angel is seen walking with a bunch of bags while Y/n was paired with him.]

Angel: Hey! Tattoos! I got a question for ya!

Y/n: Make it quick.

Angel: You have two faces and 4 arms and stuff.

Y/n: Correct.

Angel: Does that mean you have two Dicks?

[Y/n stared for a bit before walking away.]

Angel: You didn't answer!

[We cut to a bar where Husk is seen drinking when soon enough Y/n walks in sitting beside him ordering a drink.]

Husk: So what brings you to the bar?

Y/n: Angel's Shinagins.

[Husk Chuckled.]

King Of Rainbow?! (Male Sukuna reader x Hazbin Hotel) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now