The Not so Strangers..☘

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Mikey turns to Draken who was in a deep thought at the moment. The rest had just left but Draken stayed as usual.

"Mikey," the vice leader calls as he looks up to see his leader already looking at him questioningly.

"What do you think of Izana? I am suspicious of that guy," he straightforwardly informed. Mikey scoffed at that as he sat down leaning back on the couch.

"And why do you say that?"

Draken remembering the words Izana had spoken at the school sighed in defeat. "I think he is hiding something from us Mikey. I can feel it."

"Yeah? He claims he wants peace but I wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly attacks some other gangs, for I at least believe he honor his words of wanting to be civil with Toman."

The vice leader shook his head.

"No, it's not about that. I couldn't care less about him attacking some gangs."

"Then what?"

"Listen, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt but he has been trailing Gabriella and Emma. He admitted it to me himself."

Mikey lazily turned to his friend.

"Ow? But neither of my sisters had reported any of the Tenjiku members attacking them."

"That is because he has been protecting them."

That totally piqued Mikey's attention. Now that is something he had never expected. Tenjiku protecting his sisters?


"He admitted it to me. And I am pretty sure, he is doing the same with Elara nee."

"And why would that numbskull do that?"

"I have a feeling Mikey, that Izana is hiding a very big secret. A secret that involves the Sano family."

Mikey flings his head to the side, his tounge poking the inside of his cheek as questions filled his thoughts.

"Ken-chin, you know how he is related to us. Shinichiro loved and treated him as a younger brother. I fought trying to save him thinking he is my older brother."

"Yes, but what if there is something else? Something as to why he has to do all these. He wouldn't care less about something unless there is a big reason for him to do it," Draken voiced out, tone unsure but suggestive.

Mikey silenced at that, but his thoughts are now totally occupying him. He couldn't think of any single good reason as to why Izana was protecting his sisters. And maybe protected him and Toman at some point?

Come to think of it, whenever there is an unexpected attack, some of the Tenjiku members appear to help. Was it just a coincidence? Or has the gang been keeping tabs on them?

If yes then just why?

Why would they do all of this?


Draken had joined the siblings for lunch and was about to go when someone called from their gate.

"Is anyone here?"

Mikey and Gabriella shared a glance and the lady was about to answer but her brother quickly stopped her by the arm.

"Let me. I don't have a good feeling about this one," he say and walked out of the house before his sister could retaliate. Nevertheless, Draken and Gabriella quickly followed him both having the same feeling as the Toman leader.

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