Chapter 14

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Song has nothing to do with the chapter🦋

Tara Pov:

Evelyn dropped her wand, and tears were rolling down her face.
"Avenseguim." Then she and the tall platinum blonde boy vanished in thin air, what the fuck? Where did they go? How did they vanish? What the hell is going on?! Then the curly haired brunette left shortly after them, I saw Colby on the ground, I could see him breathing but nothing else. What did Evelyn do to him? Maybe she did something to help him after he got blasted by the light? I don't think she would be the type to hurt him she looked scared, not a guilty scared but just scared of what would happen. I pick up her wand, and I rush to Colbys side, I dial 9-1-1.

"9-1-1, what is your emergency?" A calm women's voice said over the phone.
"Hello, my name is Tara. I live at house 282, my friend Colby was blasted by some sort of light and now he's passed out he isn't responding, he's breathing. But nothing else."
"Ok, first, reasponders are on their way. If anything else happens before they get their call again and ask for Emily." She had said
"Will do." I hung up the phone. What did Evelyn mean by 'Avenseguim', what did the word mean, why did she drop her wand and then say Avenseguim, she's British so maybe there's something online that can help me I typed in 'what does the word Avenseguim mean?' I didn't get what I was looking for at first, and then there was a website that could help me, 'Avenseguim meaning', to locate something, what would I need to locate?

My thoughts got interrupted by the paramedics busting through the door. Everyone was now on the first floor and whispering to each other, probably asking what happened.

"He's over here." I said loudly, now everyone was looking, and me and the ground looking shocked, the rest of the paramedics rusher in with the bed. Sam instantly rushed over, shocked, worried and confused. The paramedics were trying to get him to wake up before getting him on the bed. I stepped out of the way because I knew Sam was going to go with inside the truck. Sam stepped by me.

"Tara, what the hell happened to Colby!?" Sam said, shocked.
"Theres more detail but theres not enoguh time, I have no clue but I saw Colby got blasted with a light and then once I opened some of the windows I saw Evelyn right next to him with two other guys and then she pointed this at Colby and said something and then they disappeared." I said in a rush.
"Ok, tell me it later. EVERYONE to the cars we are following the paramedics, I will ride in the truck." Sam said as they rolled Colby away on the bed, then into the truck then Sam hopped in, everyone started walking or running outside to the cars, we had to all take 3 cars with us, Jake, Johnnie, Reggie, and I all got into Jake's car I sat upfront while everyone else got into the back everyone else we started following and the rest of the Trap house followed the paramedics as well, I put my left hand on Jake's to try and calm me down I took out my phone and started to text Sam in the gc so that he can be the first to update us if he asks any questions or if the paramedics tell him anything so that we can all know what it happening, after I sent the message everyone's phones whent off and they checked it.
None of us heard anything from Sam yet.

I hope he has his phone with him, but maybe Kat has it. Jake was the first to get to the hospital with the others following not too long after, but we all wasted no time rushing into the hospital to find out what was going on.

Whoa, I hope Colby is ok. What will happen to Colby? Where is Sam's phone? Why isn't Sam responding to any texts from the gc? What will Tara do with the wand?

691 Word Count🦋🦋🦋

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