Chapter #1

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I was walking into school with my cousin Adian, the same as every day. I hate it here, but I have to go anyway. Adian always tries to make me happy about going to school, he knows why I hate it here. But it never works, I wish it did though. It would make coming here every day a lot easier.

I hugged Adian and told him goodbye. I walked to my locker, and saw my best friend, Josh. We've been friends for years, and he is one of my favorite people ever. Never been sure why he is my friend, since he is very popular, and I'm a loner. "Hi Josh!! I missed you this weekend!" | told him, usually we hang out every weekend, but he had stuff to do, so we couldn't. I talked to him for a second, until he said he had to head to class. He walked away, so I put in the passcode, to open my locker, 11,27,07. As soon as I opened it, the one thing that caught my eye, was the notes. Should I even open them? Should I ignore them? I felt my eyes already tearing up.

I reached into my locker and got my books. I slammed my locker shut and walked to my first class trying to forget about the notes. Once I walked into my homeroom, I saw my other best friend sitting at our table. Parker, but I always call him "bub". We have also been friends for years, but I love Josh and Parker the same. I sat next to him and gave me a light hug. "Hi bub! How are you?" I asked him, also giving him a light smile. "Hey chicken, I'm good, how are you?"

He always calls me "Chicken". I hate it, but he calls me it because I always get scared, anything and everything scares me. He thinks it's very funny, but it's really not. But anyway, I told him I was good. We started talking about random stuff, I don't even know what. Class started and we kept goofing around as always.

Our class went by pretty fast, and I hugged Parker bye, and I went to my second and third classes, they were the same as every other day. I sat in the back, just listened, and took notes. Once they were finally over, I walked back to my locker to get my lunch bag.

I opened my locker again, putting in the code that I always forget, and always end up having to ask Parker or Josh what it is. Immediately, I saw the notes. I had to know what she wrote in the notes this time. I opened them, and read. "Ugly, fat, just die already. No one will miss you. Slutty bitch."

I felt the tears fill my eyes, and a tear rolls down my cheek. The hallways were already clear because I spent so much time just looking at the note, and reading it over and over again. Once I snapped out of it, I put everything in my bookbag and got my stuff. I just ran out of that awful school. Well, I didn't run out, since I would've gotten caught, I snuck around to the back door and walked out.

I started walking just taking in the fresh air. But now, tears are just rolling. I can't stop them. My eyesight is blurry, my nose is running, and my eyes are stinging with tears. I thought I should text my cousin, Adian, that I had already left school since we walk home together every day. So he wasn't waiting for me, or wondering where I'm at.

Once I got home about 15 minutes later, I went straight up to my room, I had finally stopped crying. At first, I just flopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling just thinking. Why? Why does she have to be so mean to me? Why is it me, that she puts through all of this? I mean I know why, but I'll never say. I don't want to think about it. After a while, I got on my laptop and watched some old video diaries of One Direction. Since they always cheer me up. As well as getting on my phone and opening on Twitter.

I scrolled through my Twitter feed, occasionally giggling at One Direction memes, which I love to find new ones. Because I'm also a professional fan-girl. It had been a while of just scrolling until the feed got kind of boring. So, I typed in "@Niall.Horan" to see if he had tweeted anything else since his tweets are usually kind of funny, but he hadn't. But I still read some of his old tweets.

I decided to send Niall a tweet, even though I knew he would not see it, nor respond. Because I know pretty much every fan-girl has tried sending their favorite artist a tweet, or message. They never respond, and if they do, it's very rare. But you know, I did anyway. Not like it will hurt anything.

@Niallers_Princess: Hi Nialler! I know you won't see this because I bet you have thousands of girls tweeting you the same thing, every every day. But I was wondering if you're coming to England anytime soon. And I love you! Love the new album.

I became a complete fan girl with that tweet. But I just sighed and put my phone down. I started watching more videos from the boys on X-Factor. They may be famous and the world may know their names now, but they will always be my silly boys on the X-Factor stage.

Anyway, I watched their YouTube videos for a couple more hours, until I started to get tired. I shut my laptop and decided to take a nap. I had only been asleep for about two hours when I got woken up from my phone.

I was annoyed because obviously, I was tired and trying to sleep. I checked my phone and saw that it was my Twitter that was blowing up my phone. I was very confused because no one knew me, or had my Twitter.

Besides My aunt, Adian, Josh, and Parker. Because I was very quiet and kept my head down for the most part, no one else knew me. Only the rumors about me. Anyway, I opened Twitter to see why the hell it's blowing up.

He replied. No, he didn't, I'm dreaming. No way in hell, Niall James Horan tweeted me back. He doesn't know I exist, right? No, he doesn't. Not possible. Nope.
I was shaking. This has got to be a dream. I pinched myself, ouch, no, nope. Not a dream. Uhm okay, this is real.

NIALL FUCKING HORAN replied to me?!?! After a while of telling myself this wasn't true, I finally read the tweet he sent me.

@Niall. Horan: Hello love! Seems I did see your tweet after all, huh? And I love the username, haha! But yes we are! Love you too! And thanks, glad you like it!

He said he loves me?? He called me "love"?? OH MY GOD. At this point, I can't even breathe, I'm shaking. I'm smiling and crying at the same time. AND MY USERNAME?? Ugh, I can't believe he saw my username. Oh my god.

Once I got myself together and could breathe again, I saw someone messaged me. Why? No one I know messages me on Twitter. I checked it thinking it was going to be one of Niall's fans talking about how he replied to me, or just some random creep. Something like that, no. Niall. It's Niall.

Niall Horan messaged me. Once again, I can't breathe or move at this point. I want to read what he said but the amount of shock I'm in, my body will not let me. This has got to be a sick joke, someone pranking me.

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