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I just got to school and I already had no motivation for my first lesson which was sport. My best friend Mark also hates sport like me but he’s way better than me. We sit together in every class and our teachers hate us ‘cause we talk a lot during  lessons. We’ve known each other since 5th grade and that’s like 5 years now. While I’m good at maths, german, religion, geography and history is he good at arts, philosophy, latin, physics and biology. We’re very different but that makes us even better friends and we understand us without saying anything.

We’re now 15 years old and in 9th grade. Our parents wouldn’t even let us alone ‘cause they think we are going to do something stupid. Well, they’re thoughts are justified because we did about 2 years ago something very stupid like draw graffiti at our school. Inside, not outside. If we had done it outside we wouldn’t even have gotten such big consequences but that wouldn’t have been so much fun. For this reason we got an expulsion from school for like a month for doing it inside and we had to clean everything in that time. We hated to clean it but also were proud of us ‘cause we did something other people wouldn’t even think about or never would be brave enough to do such things. Since then our parents think we are still kids and when we’re like 30 years old we’re still like we’re now. Hopefully we’re in that age where we are not so much like kids, but have enough kids-energy in us to laugh about that shit we did at this age.

Mark and I are now going to our lockers to get our sports clothes. Out of nowhere Mark asks me suddenly: “What do you think about Leyla?”, and I’m very confused ‘cause I didn’t expected THAT question. Leyla bullied me the past 5 years without Mark knowing it ‘cause she likes him and is jealous of me ‘cause I’m friends with him and she’s not.

I reply: “I don’t know. I guess she’s ok. Why?”
“I think I like her. And I have a feeling that the feelings about her are getting bigger. I wanted to know what you think about her ‘cause I’m not getting with someone you don’t like. But now that I’m sure you think she’s ok I can ask her on a date.”
Oh, wow. I didn’t know. This was going this way. Shit. I can’t tell him she hates me. He should be happy so I think I have to just get along with her. Wether I like it or not.

”SHHHHH! Don’t yell or the whole knows it before I even got to ask her out. AND I’M NOT IN LOVE! I said I THINK I like her and NOT THAT I love her.”
”I don’t see a difference there. But enough with Leyla. What do you think about the newest Marvel-Film: “Thor: Love and Thunder”?”
”HEY! You can’t just decide what we’re talking about! Anyways, I like the first ones from the Thor-Series way more but the new one is ok. And you? What do you think about it?”
”It’s not one of my favorite of the Thor-Series. I like “Thor: Ragnarok” way more. I mean, this little child should replace Thor? I don’t like this idea. Some say that even Tonys daughter should replace Iron Man. The daughters replace the fathers, am I right?”
”Well, you’re right. That’s just what I thought about it. I don’t like this idea either. But the Marvel-Studios know what’s right!”
”If the Marvel-Studios did still the movies and everything I'm sure they knew what their doing but now that Disney owns Marvel their doing their own things and not like it happened in the Marvel-Comics. But most of the movies Disney did are also good so i guess they know what their doing.”
”I forgot about that part where Disney bought Marvel. But true I hope they know what their doing.”

I hope you know have an idea about this story and you're gonna read the next chapters as well.

Love you, byee🦖🌻

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