Chapter 1

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Mark asked Leyla on a date about 1 year ago and last week he asked her to be his girlfriend. At first we did everything together like always and after she said yes to the third date, Mark began to do more with her and slowly forgetting me. It was like our long year friendship was nothing to him and now he ignores me like we weren’t best friends a year ago.

Yesterday was my birthday and no one said ”happy birthday” to me. It’s like everyone forgot it. Even my parents and Mark. I got one present and that was from my dead grandma. It was her favorite book since she was 16 so about my age.

It's a storie about strangers becoming lovers and I’m already half way done. It’s called “The Summer of lost letters” and it’s from Hannah Reynolds. It’s about a girl visiting the island her mother was born on and meeting the boy from the richest family o that island. They fall in love and and and … . It’s a very stereotypical book. But I like it since the story is good and Hannah Reynolds tells it perfectly for my taste.

But enough about this book.
I wanted to talk about Mark and Leyla.

They are very cute together and when they had their first kiss I took a photo of them without them knowing. We watched every Saturday the newest Marvel-Films or rewatched Teen Wolf or Harry Potter. Today is Saturday and I decided to watch Teen Wolf for the millionth time again and OH MY FUCKING GOD is Stiles hot. Mostly in the third season. I literally love him. AH SHIT! I digressed from the topic again. Ugh. I should focus on Mark and Leyla and how they are as a couple.
Ok. I can make this.

It’s easy to talk about your best friend and his girlfriend. Mostly when your so called best friend forgot you and now it’s like he hates you. He literally gives me death stares every time he sees me and that for no reason. I did nothing to him. I’m sure Leyla told him something about me that isn’t true.
Like she did in forth class.

She told my parents and my best friend at that time (not Mark) that I used her to get more presents for my birthday. Since then my parents ignored me and didn’t care about me.

I came one day with a bloody nose and a broken leg from school and they did nothing about it. I got in a bus that day to get to the hospital and the doctors were shocked. They asked me why I was without my parents there. I said my parents were still on their work. The doctors believed me then tried everything to fix my wounds and bones.

When I came home my grandma was there and asked me what happened to me. I answered that I drove my bike into a tree when I came from school. She looked like she didn’t believed me but she said nothing about my lie.

Some hours later she looked at my father, her son, and asked him what we’re doing next week. That’s all I remember about this day because I fainted and didn’t hear his answer. When I awaked in the hospital no one except my grandma was there. She didn’t even tried to find a reason why my parents weren’t there. I loved that about her. I was 9 that time. My parents cared less about their 9 year old daughter. I hate them because of that. And I also hate Leyla because of that. She bullied me since we're 8 years old. I don’t even know why she hates me. She began bullying me one day and didn’t stop. It’s like she needed someone to make fun of. And it looked like I was this someone.

I hope you enjoyed it and yeah let me know if I should change something or whatever.

Love you, byee🦖🌻

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