Chapter 12

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"Thomas's eldest son, Volga, has effectively trapped us within the city walls," Eric gasped as he rushed over, his attire resembling that of a hunter. He had been lingering outside, gathering intelligence, and had not been residing with the two women.

"His younger son, Burke, accompanied by a group of men, has been scouring the city for foreigners. They've been halted by the divine faction, but it's likely they'll continue their operations clandestinely," he continued breathlessly.

The trio convened to discuss their plans for temporary refuge while ensuring Heidi's daily visits to the temple for updates.

A speeding figure approached, prompting their wariness until they recognized Ethan, who had reappeared in the Cheno clan at some point.

"Come with me," Ethan's voice was frosty. "I know a place of greater safety."

As Eric moved to decline, Heidi intervened, gripping his arm. Millia opted to trust Ethan, considering his past as a mercenary within Cheno rendered him more acquainted with the area than they were. They trailed Ethan through winding alleys until they reached a barren plateau within the city, a space distanced from the main residential quarters, likely utilized by farmers for drying and processing crops. Stone squares dotted the plateau, adorned with various beans and vegetables drying in the sun. Behind these squares stood makeshift wooden shelters housing copper utensils, offering unobstructed views in all directions.

"Here," Ethan declared, turning to address them. "Don ordinary robes and seek shelter in the shed come nightfall. It's unlikely anyone will venture here during the dark hours."

"What of the returning farmers during daylight?" Heidi inquired with curiosity. "We cannot deceive them."

"We'll retreat behind the mountain ruins during the day, striving to avoid any crowds," Millia replied on Ethan's behalf. "Thank you for your assistance," she added.

Ethan's smile was fleeting. "We are allies now, are we not?"

Three days elapsed before Heidi returned from the temple with astonishing news: Thomas had met his demise within the temple's subterranean chambers.

"The divine faction is incensed. Cheno's high priest has personally journeyed to appease them. Presently, oversight of the temple falls to the second priest, Maya, who also serves as their high priestess," Heidi relayed, her tone tinged with envy. "Maya ascended to the position of second priestess at a young age. Should the high priest be demoted, she stands a chance of assuming the role of high priestess."

"Pray, reveal the circumstances surrounding Thomas's demise," Millia pressed.

"Last night, the guards on duty reported several visitors to Thomas, including his son and trusted subordinates. Ethan was the final visitor."

"Ethan visited him as well?" Millia's astonishment was palpable. "How was he permitted?"

"He purportedly asserted his past service as a mercenary for Thomas granted him certain privileges. Yet, he desired a face-to-face confrontation with Thomas, and heated words were exchanged within."

"But Ethan could not have been the perpetrator, could he?" Millia mused. "Surely, the guards would have kept a close watch on him."

"No public declaration has been made regarding the circumstances of Thomas's demise, nor have any arrests been made in connection with it. Thomas's two sons have absconded. Cheno's elders are presently in the process of electing a new leader," Heidi lamented, unforeseen developments unfolding. While outwardly it seemed the threat posed by Thomas had been quelled, inwardly they each harbored a sense of regret. Thomas's guilt had been confirmed among their own people, alleviating any need for accountability regarding the accusation. Yet, with Thomas's passing, the secrets that should have come to light remained shrouded once more.

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