Chapter 2

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And they were in the same group for the lab. Whenever she looked at him secretly, her heart rose. Till now she didn't talk to him. She didn't even plan to do so in the next 3 years of her study. Because she can't look him in the eyes.

She was delusional.

Her decision of not talking to him broke, when she and shivya were taking chemicals and there were too many dhriti's hands. And even if one of the glass bottle/ container broke, they had to pay in thousands.

"Let me take one" he talked to her for the first time and offered his help. She wasn't able to talk anything or deny him. So she silently handed him one of the container.

Shivya, dhriti and vrishank walked to their lab holding the chemicals. Shivya was going in the front, followed by vrishank and then dhriti.

As he wasn't looking at her, she decided to look up. She observed his back, which was lean. He wasn't muscular. Infact he was lean and according to the books that dhriti read, the leads in them were always muscular. But she didn't get how she started liking him. His white apron, that suited him so well as if it was made for him, his nike shoes that were accumulated with mud at sides, and the bracket on his right hand that always got her attention.

There were many times shivya talked to the boy's in their class. She had that aura around her. She can make people easily laugh, while dhriti on the other hand talks only if she is poked.

Sometimes dhriti wished she was shivya. Because shivya was brave when it came to talking to people and making friends easily. Every time Shivya talked to someone in the lab, be it a girl or boy, dhriti would just laugh with them. But she never actually spoke to them or felt close to any of them except shivya, navya and hritvi.

The mid exams were near, and everyone was tensed as it was their first mid. Both shivya and dhriti decided to study together and decided to call each other whenever they had any doubts. As for navya and hritvi, they both were toppers so they always looked relaxed.

The theory exams were over and all the friends gave their 100% in them. And now it was time for practicals.

"There would be viva shivya! I'm so tensed". Dhriti muttered in fear.

"Shut up dhriti. You're the one who's always up for any seminar in our class ! I can't belive that you're fearing for a mere viva" shivya said rolling her eyes back.

"Yes, she's right! But guys... What should I do if my mind goes blank when the teacher asks a question?" Hritvi made a crying face.

"See. That's what I'm fearing" dhriti said as she was shaking her leg in tension.

"You guys are exaggerating! The viva and practicals are next week . We still have the time. Also, I asked seniors about it. Since the practicals are conducted by our college lectures, it won't be a hassle" everyone released a breathe in relief as they heard navya.

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