Chapter 5

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Dhriti was absent for a whole week and she didn't know who to ask for the lab notes. Because she and shivya ended up in a huge fight just before she went to attend a wedding with her family.

Navya and hritvi found it silly and baseless as dhriti and shivya fought about the horror movie that shivya recommended. Dhriti found it boring while shivya found it interesting and scary. And then they began arguing over it.

The whole class saw them shout at each other. What made dhriti more angry at shivya was that Shivya held dhriti's ear and just then she saw vrishank walking in. Dhriti felt so embarrassed that she didn't talk to anyone that day.

She cried herself to sleep. She even wanted to apologise to shivya as she understood their argument was senseless. But vrishank looking at her when she was in that condition, made her stop from doing that. But dhriti genuinely felt sorry for shouting at shivya.

D : can you ask shivya for our lab notes from last week? Don't tell her that i asked.🤧

N : Look, both of you sort it. Till then I'm not gonna help you. 😐😌

D: please navya... Ask her ! I don't know whom to ask. Because i already tried other numbers and most of them said they weren't in the house, and some said that they were absent too. Understand naa.🥺

N : Okay wait 🙄.

After a few minutes, navya forwarded her 20 pictures of that week's labs. Dhriti was confused about the order. So she messaged navya again.

D:  I'm not able to understand the order. Help me with it. 🙂

N : shhh !! Even i don't know! Ask him about it.

Dhriti frowned at who navya might be referring to.

D: who?

N: vrishank.

As soon as she saw the name, her heart started beating fast. She didn't expected him to help her. Heck! She never thought that she'll get to see his handwriting so closely. Because she never took his book for any incompletes. It was always shivya, hritvi and navya who gave her notes. But vrishank always took her notes.

Okay! Not always but sometimes!!!

Okay!!!!! Few times!!!

Dhriti came out of her thoughts when she saw another message from navya. She shared a number. Her eyes widened as she stared at it. Was it actually his? It must be a prank. Dhriti thought. She was in no right mind to even remember his number. If you would've asked her in her sleep, she would've answered his number correctly. But now all she was staring at the name attached to below the number.


Her fingers shook as she typed a thank you to navya. Her insides were trembling as she saved his contact and messaged him.

D: Hi. This is dhriti.

V: i know.

D : can you tell me the order? I'm confused.

V: can i call?

Dhriti saw his message. She gulped. She looked at her bedroom door. It's not like her parents were strict, but she was afraid that she would faint because of him.

V: if you don't mind.

He messaged as he didn't get a reply from her even though a few minutes passed by.

D: sure.

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