Chapter 9

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The project teams were divided and dhriti was neutral about her teammates. Even though she knew some of them, she didn't knew them personally. But that's the reason for dividing groups in projects. To know one's capabilities. She was least interested whenever the topic came to vrishank between her friends. She used to make herself busy in anything or she would just go out to bring water.

One day navya, vrishank and dhriti were descending the stairs. Dhriti was accompanying navya as she wanted to pay the fee. What she didn't expect was vrishank coming with them.

"You know I was selected in analysis department for project" vrishank said as both dhriti and him descended the stairs. And navya was 5 steps ahead of them.

Dhriti decided not to react the way she used to. To smile or show that she was interested in his talk.

So she just nodded at him and said "yes, navya told me".

"Hmm....what about you? What department did you got?" He enquired.

'Didn't he know? I thought he knew. Again, why should he know? She's nothing for him' dhriti thought.

"Pharmaceutics" dhriti replied and went silent.

"Oh.. so, you like being in the department only?" He asked again. She felt irritated because she wanted to ignore him and he was talking to her.

"Yes" dhriti replied and started to descend the stairs a little fast to catch up with navya.

The account was taking time, and the 3 of them waited. Navya and vrishank were busy in their talks but dhriti's heart was anything but calm. He was so near to her. Navya stood between them, but still she could hear his voice so near and that made her insides tremble. He had this effect on her that may be never vanished even when dhriti tried hard.

She heard navya and vrishank murmuring something.

"If you want ask her" "what-?"

"What's the matter?" Dhriti asked stopping their murmuring.

"It's vrishank's birthday this may 5th. So he's giving party. He is inviting you. Will you attend?" Navya said in one go.

But dhriti understand it all. Her eyes just for few seconds looked at vrishank. And he was staring at her or may be waiting for her answer. Dhriti wanted to go, but the decision she took stopped her.

"Sorry. I already made plans. You guys can enjoy" dhriti apologised. Vrishank nodded in understanding. And no one talked about that afterwards.

It was 11:59 and she was awake all night to wish him at sharp 12 o'clock for his birthday. Her fingers were contemplating to send. She wanted to be the first one to wish him. Then shivya's face came to her mind. And she immediately pressed back and locked her phone and tried to sleep.

Her friends were absent and she knew where they went. To his birthday party. She sat all alone for the first period until anjana came. She sat beside dhriti as she was the only one in her bench.

It was break and anjana suddenly questioned her.

"Won't you ever confess?" She whispered.

"No. It's just a crush. Nothing more than that. And only 1 year is left to graduate. After this our paths will never collide" dhriti replied with a sad smile.

But anjana and dhriti both knew that it was more than a crush. All dhriti did was crying when she realised that she started loving him.

Him, who will never look at her lovingly.

Him, who's eyes will never search for her in crowd.

Him, who will never wish to spend his life  with a girl like her.

Him, who would never even think of her, let alone care for her.

Unknowingly she loved him... And knowingly she'll let go of him!

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