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I woke up before the alarm even goes off. I looked out my window and noticed that its still pouring. Its been raining since last night and it hasn't ease up this morning either. As I listened to the sound of the rain ticking on my window, I slowly drift off to sleep again until.

"Rach! Get up! We're late for work!" He wailed out from the living area.

I jolt from my slumber feeling my heavy eyelids. I don't even have to look to know who it is. Its my best friend Jae. No, we don't live together. He lives next door. Jae just love to come in unannounced and treat my house as an extension of his. You know, the kind of friend that eats your food and use your utilities like its their own. But its okay.. I don't mind. Jae and I have been friends for so long that I couldn't even remember how we met. He's always been like this ever since anyway.

The words he said haven't fully registered in mind yet. Work? I ran the thought in my mind while staring at the ceiling, blankly. I can hear him walking briskly towards my room. As I contemplate whether I should go to the office or not he barged into my room all dressed up with his styled curly hair.

"Rach, you can't skip work again. We have an important client meeting scheduled today." He said with urgency and worry laced in his words.

Skip work again? That seems a very good idea. I've been glued to my bed for more than a week now. I told the office I'm sick but I wasn't. I just didn't have the will to go to work for the past few days.

"Can't you handle it yourself? I mean you pretty much know everything. The team can help you out with the plan details." I blurted out half asleep and still curled up on my bed.

"No. We need you. You are the principal architect for crying out loud. No one knows your floor plans better than you do besides all our other clients are looking for you. So get up and put that stubborn ass of yours out of bed!"

I just sigh and gave him a side eye instead. He knew so well that we weren't really needed in that meeting and that my team can close this deal on their own. This is just his latest attempt to get me out of bed.

"Rachel Faith Silva!, I swear to god if you don't get up right now and come to work, you will know what it's like to have a shower on your bed."

"You won't dare..".

"Oh yeah? Watch me".

You see, Jae is a very easy going person but sometimes he turns into this extremely scary persona whenever he is serious. This time I am actually fully awake and saw the look in his eyes. With this much determination, he might actually do it.

He walked past my bed into the direction of my bathroom. "Wait!" I yelled. He stopped on his tracks and raise his eyebrow at me. Well the last thing I want to do is laundry and blow dry my bed so I gave in. "Okay! Okaaay.. I will! Just calm down. I'll be ready in 30 mins." He nodded as his face was flooded with relief.

"Okay. Good.. but make it 20 mins cos we are really late." He strutted out of my room. I watched him disappear into the kitchen before I reluctantly get out of bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

I quickly dried my hair and pick whatever clothes are on top of my closet. I ended up wearing a beige suit with white camisole top and partnered it with white stilettos. I didn't even bother to put some make up on. As Jae said we are already late. Bare face will do it for now. I already got out of bed, showered and dressed up so lets not push it. I took a quick glance of my self in the mirror. My hair looks like its been used as a birds nest so I quickly pull it to a messy bun. I look pale and my eyes are dead but whatever this is already an upgrade from how I look from the past few days. I looked at my watch and still got few more minutes to spare. As I step out of my room, I grab my bag and car keys.

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