Nasir entry

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In her frantic state, Ruhani saw Nasir immediately dashed towards him, pulling him into a tight hug as she broke down into tears.

"Nasir... Nasir... we thought you were gone, Nasir,' she kept repeating between the tears.

She was relieved and emotional to see him alive and well, and her emotions got the better of her

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She was relieved and emotional to see him alive and well, and her emotions got the better of her.

"oh my Ruh stop crying you know very well that I don't like when you cry also you know that tears don't look good on you as well They look very Ugly." He spoke wiping Ruhani tears.

Nasir words made her laugh lightly through her tears, making her feel lighter already. She always felt comforted and looked after around him, and this moment was no exception.

As he wiped her tears, she tried to hold back her tears from flowing further, knowing that he hated seeing her cry.

"I'm just so happy to see you, Nasir. I thought I'd lost you long ago," she mumbled as she continued laughing and crying
with relief.

"You know I'm crowned as King now and there's so much responsibility so you know why I can't even able to write a letter.....Well by the way You still didn't introduce me to this Gentleman." He spoke looking back at Rudra.

Rudra was stunned to hear Nasir and Ruhani share such intimate words with each other right in front of him.

As Nasir spoke to him, he realized that they still hadn't introduced him to each other. This realization added to his growing suspicions about the Ruhani and Nasir relationship.

"Oh, yes, sorry about that," Ruhani said nervously, glancing between the two men as she continued

"well Nasir meet him Rudra Pratap Singh Suryavanshi He's The to be king of hind and he helped and Saved me all along in this mission and he also promised Abbu to get me back to home safely.....And now Rudra meet Nasir he's my childhood Best friend and now he's the King of Arab"

Rudra was stunned by Ruhani's introduction. The man who had just saved him was the  king of Arab, His initial suspicions about the two's relationship were getting more and more correct with every passing moment.

Nasir and Rudra bowed in respect to each other as they was introduced themselves.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, You've done a great service by saving my beloved Ruh," he said with a slight bow.

"It's fine as it was Dharam to save her And return her back to her Country Safely." Rudra spoke politely as Nasir was impressed by Rudra Answer.

Nasir smiled as he spoke to Rudra.
"Your duty is certainly noble and your dharma is intact," he said with a respectful demeanor as Rudra gave a small nod.

"Nasir You still didn't told me how you came here and everything."

"well I came here through some information provided to me by a contact in my kingdom, who told me about the whereabouts of the princess. The news was disturbing, and I had to take immediate action," he said and Ruhani nodded her head With a sigh.

"now I think we should go from here before Any trouble comes." Rudra spoke as Nasir replied.

"Well yes but we need to go to Afganistan first."

"Whyyy afganistan you know that I can't Live without ammi for so long... and I'm missing my Ammi alottt I want to meet her as soon as possible." Ruhani spoke with a frown and Treplied

"My dear Ruh it just matter of 2 days and we can rest there as well look at your little wounds and Rudra wound they needs to be properly bandaged as soon as possible otherwise Mallika E Aliya won't like you to see in this Condition." he spoke as, Ruhani agreed that it was the wise thing to do.

Ruhani turned and looked at the Rudra Wound before she tore her dupatta to use as a makeshift bandage for Rudra's wound. She was deeply concerned about the injury, as he was the one who had saved her from the bandits.

Ruhani was gentle and caring as she wrapped the makeshift bandage around Rudra's wound, being extra careful not to further injure him.

"I gotta say this Ruh you are still A big trouble maker." Nasir spoke while laughing as Ruhani rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Nasir, finding his comment funny yet annoying at the same time.

"Oh, shut up! I'm not a trouble maker, and you should know it," she replied,

Rudra was seeing Their Silly Fight and Care for each other which unknowingly Makes a sting in his heart.

Rudra was witnessing the playful banter between the two and strange sense of jealousy rising within him. He was happy to see them care for each other so much, but deep down he wanted to be the only one at his Place.

All in all, he was a person worth getting to know better, and Rudra was determined to find out more about this captivating person.

Nasir is an interesting character with as If you red about him in earlier book According to what Ruhani had said, he had been her childhood Best friend but had disappeared for a number of years and was even presumed dead at one point when he was gone in a war at the age of 15.

In addition to this exciting backstory, Nasir was a close associate of Rugmani, who trusted him with her secrets, and he had a secret crush on Ruhani since he was little .

Story is going to be interesting so best of luck to me🤞🏻 ❤️

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