Chapter 10 the charm

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Livian's pov:

I wake up in a daze, feeling the lingering dampness from last night's adventure, as i try to shake off the sleep my eyes begin lock onto my wrist, I lay there scanning my arms still daze from my restless night, where a bracelet rests, I tug onto the little thing but it's refusing to budge, that's when I wake for real realizing that it really won't come off.

It's like it's welded onto my skin, weaving its magical spell around me. A new surge of energy hits me hard as I start to feel a migraine coming in.

The bracelet's presence proves that something did happen that night, and it's essence intertwined with my very being, alongsidemy new headache memories from the previous night come flooding in and I'm left some what dumbfounded.

I start to panic a little bit, my hand begins to tremble, and my migraine is painfully noticeable. I cringe at the pain but am unable to look away from the bracelet, I recognize this thing…
I reamder from my first day staying here, when I met that aunty who gave me the 'good luck charm', This is that charm from before.

Amidst my mini panic attack, a sudden knock at the door pulled me out of my trance as my gaze that was once fixated on my arm now locks on to the door.
Who on earth, what now..?

???: “Good morning, sir!
I've been told to inform you of today's breakfast plan.“

Livian: “Uh-yes um…thank you?“
…well I tried, didn't I? How was I supposed to answer that? I don't even know what this is about.

???: “um well I've prepared some tea. If you want anything else, you can come to the front desk.“

Livian: “can you just leave it at the door
???: “Yes sir.“

Livian: “Um ok thank you.“

It's like the moment I woke up here, some magical force has left its mark on me, I'm not sure what to do but the only thing I can think of is finding that aunty, maybe she tell me what this thing is.

The only problem is that I don't really remember where she was, the first time, but I'll just retrace my steps.
Can't be that hard, can it?

I slowly step out of the inn and into the bustling capital street but not before letting the owner know that im leaving, the morning sun casting a golden glow on the cobblestones as I trott along the under developed sidewalk.

I can't help but want company at this moment because for a long while, I noticed every gaze seems to linger on me.

The air is filled with a sense of anticipation and bystanders would halt their doings when I pass by its beyond unnerving, as if the city itself holds its breath, patiencently waiting for my next move as the rumors of the pretty red haired man circulates around the capital, most people are only here to see the feminine beauty of a man that's caught the attention of many.

As if it couldn't be more suffocating a small crowd forms around me, I make a quick call to exit the scene, leaving the prying eyes and hushed conversations in my wake, I was one step closer to a panic attack back there than I had ever been in my life.

I've found the street from before, I recognized the building up ahead of me, so that means that just around the corner, I'll find that aunt, and maybe some answers.

I stroll down the cobblestone path taking bigger strides the closer I got, a sense of nostalgia washing over me as the familiar sights greet me along with an array of bad memories but I chose to ignore those.

I finally round the corner, half-expecting to find the magical aunty with her, but she isn't even there, I ask around but no one knows who this person is, what am I expected to do in this scenario?

I did like that inn but the stares were getting annoying, to be honest I dotn think I should stay there any more, if so many people know what i look like then won't Ravine be able to find me?

I should leave, maybe find a small village some place, wherever I go I just have to keep a low profile and I'll be fine.
I'll just have to deal with it.


Hope you enjoyed it!

It sucks I know, but I'll do my best to get better.
I'm pretty sick rn and just got to feeling better, and I'm still breathing through my mouth, and I just flunked an exam, love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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