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"Lyra, Get up!" I heard my mother calling me from the kitchen.

"Five more minutes mom." I mumbled sleepily as I turned on my side, pulling the blanket tighter around me.

A few seconds later, I heard the curtains being drawn back and my body being hit by the cold morning air. My eyes snapped open, lightly glaring at my mother, Aria Halloway. She gave me a smile as she raised her eyebrow.

"Come on lazy, or you'll be late for school." She said, walking back to the kitchen. "I made pancakes by the way!"

I groaned, she knew the perfect way to wake me up. I got up and entered the bathroom, staring at my reflection. My whole life I was told I was an exact replica of my mother, everything was the same except for my eyes. While my mother had warm brown eyes, I had sky blue ones which just happened to be my favourite colour as well.

When I was younger I would ask why I had blue eyes when every other family member on my mom's side had brown eyes. Eventually I came to the conclusion it came from my dad. We don't talk about him that much, mom doesn't like it. There were no pictures of him in the house, it was like he never existed, the only prove he even existed was me.

I knew not to talk about him, and unless mom was the one to bring him up, he was never a part of our conversations. The first time I tried to bring him up, mom almost broke down, I never tried to ever again. Mom sacrificed almost everything for me, she had a plan to go to university, get a writers diploma and become a writer. That was the plan and then she had me. She dropped out of university, took 2 jobs, moved to new york and raised me here.

We didn't have much, but all we needed was each other. Through the years I caused a lot of trouble for my mom. Within 2 years I have changed at least 5 schools, and a lot has happened. Every time I was expelled from my school was because weird things seem to happen every time I'm around. One time, a girl's hair caught on fire in the science lab and that girl happened to get on my nerves the very same morning.

Hearing my mom call me again, I quickly changed and went to the dining area. I stuffed a pancake into my mouth, giving my mom a cheeky smile when she lightly slapped me as I left the house. I chuckled as I stepped out of the house. I walked down the street towards my school: Spinner's High. I sighed, it wasn't the fanciest school but at least it was near home.

I entered the hallway, making my way to my locker while avoiding the usual gang of bullies. Clarissa, the main leader, has been out for me since I came here. I made it to my locker, took my books and sat in my seat in my homeroom without running into Clarissa's gang for once. Since I was still early, I took out my book, Keeper of The Lost Cities, and continued where I left off.

I must have lost track of time because the next time I looked up, Mr Dillon was already at the front of the class, staring at me. I blushed as I heard Clarissa snicker from behind. I kept my book and looked at Mr Dillon, giving him an apologetic face.

He nodded before saying, "Class, we have a new student joining us today, Arin Calleth. Let's make sure he feels welcome!"

The class smiled while some clapped softly. Most of the noise made was very loud whispering and giggling coming from the girls in front, some even twirling their hair in an attempt to flirt. I rolled my eyes, sure he was good looking but I didn't get it, he's just a guy. Mr Dillon told him to sit wherever he wanted before writing the lesson plan on the whiteboard.

Most of the girls quickly moved their bags from the seats, blinking rapidly and showing off their long eyelashes at him. Once again I rolled my eyes, taking out my notebook to take notes of Mr Dillon's lesson.

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