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I woke up on a Saturday morning, thanking God I did not have to go to school today, especially with what happened yesterday. I shook my head, nope, I was not going to think of what happened yesterday.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower brushed my teeth and changed. I walked downstairs to see the living room empty. I frowned and went to the fridge where my mom had pasted a sticky note, it said: went to work, will be back late.

I sighed, I knew this routine. Most of the time mom would have to work extra shifts on the weekends. I knew she had to in order to even keep the house but sometimes I washed we could do things like a normal family.

I took out a piece of bread and put it into my mouth while I wrote on another sticky note: going to the bookstore. I took my messenger bag and left the house.

I walked down the street, the bookstore was just at the end of the street. It was practically my favourite place in town, it was a bookstore and it had a café inside. The barista, Rick, was super kind and often gave me some book recommendations whenever I ordered my drink.

As I walked down the street, I passed by a playground where little kids were playing, their laughter ringing in the air. I watched as their mothers and fathers played with them. I sighed, having a wishful thinking about having that kind of childhood, a complete family where we could just spend time together on a normal day.

Eventually I reached the bookstore. I walked in and smiled at Rick, walking over to the counter.

"Hello Lyra, your usual I presume." Rick said, walking to the machine to begin making my drink.

I smiled and nodded, "Thanks Rick."

"So, what do you want today? A side of fantasy for today maybe?" Rick smiled cheekily while operating the drink machine.

I smiled, this was why I was generally okay with Rick, he understood what I was feeling that day and I felt comfortable around him. "Yup, exactly what I need today Rick, thanks. Oh and make that a stand-off, I'm not in the mood for a series," I said.

"Yeah of course, any tropes in particular?"

"Mmm, my usual, found family. Anything else is up to you."

Rick turned to the bookshelf and picked out one of the books. He handed me my drink and the book with a wink, "Happy reading!"

I smiled, rolling my eyes while paying him the money, giving an extra tip. I took my book and drink and went over to the corner of the bookstore where not many chose to go. There was a couple of beanbags and a sofa beside a window which let in the perfect amount of light to read.

I always came to this corner to read. It was quiet, there was no one to disturb me and no one cared what I did here. I sipped my drink and opened the book Rick gave me. I didn't read the blurb, I trusted Rick enough to give me a good book. I started reading and soon I forgot about everything, I started going into my own little world completely oblivious to everything around me.

Suddenly, a group of friends came and sat in the beanbags opposite me. I ignored them although I was slightly confused, no one came to the back normally and the group of them didn't seem to have bought a drink. I shook those thoughts out of my head and went back to reading.

The bell of the bookstore rang and one of the guys from the group walked over to me. I looked up when I heard his footsteps approaching me.

"Well, what's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone? Why don't you come with me?" The guy had a hoarse and ruff voice. He smelled really weird and he creeped me out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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