1. Firestar

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This book provides spoilers.

Tigerstar~ I need to kill Firestar.

Hawkfrost~ I'm afraid your too late, sir. Firestar is alive.

Tigerstar~ I'm alive!

Hawkfrost~ No you're not.

Tigerstar~ I got the perfect plan. *evil laugh*

Hours later...

Tigerstar~ *puts on red robe and makes one eye glow red; walks into Firestar's dream*

Brokenstar~ Whats with Tigerstar?

Hawkfrost~ Its Halloween and he's going to go walk in Firestar's dreams to scare him.

Brokenstar~ ...

Hawkfrost~ ...

Brokenstar~ Moron...

Tigerstar~ *finds Firestar and hides in shadow; leaps out in front of Firestar* Hello idiot!

Firestar~ *scream* ITS THE POOPMONSTER AHHHH *whacks Tigerstar with a chair*

Tigerstar~ WHAT THE HECK OW *flees*


Hawkfrost~ What happened to you, Tigerstar?

Brokenstar~ Yeah.

Snowtuft~ O.e

Tigerstar~ *bleeding and has bumps on face* Nothing *pads away*

Hawkfrost~ *whispers* Knew he was a moron.

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