The Confession

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Over a period of time, the relationship between you and Colton has become increasingly close as you two often go shopping and eating together. Colton has quite sweet actions that are rare for demons in this hell to do, such as carrying your bag for you every time you go shopping, always taking care of your health, remembering the foods you like, or hate, or allergic. He was sweet and caring from what you judged after the time spent with him, but it was still a bit strange .

You seemed to feel like he saw more than just a sister-in-law relationship between the two of you , but you don't feel offended or uncomfortable with it.

The closer your relationship with Colton becomes, the more distant you and Crimson become. Crimson always seemed busy with piles of documents, gang meetings, late night calls about 'traitors' or clan wars.

Can't complain at all, he is the leader of a notorious mafia gang, the head of a powerful mafia family, and most importantly, the one who holds your family in his hands.

The number of conversations you and Crimson have had can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The words weren't too many when it only revolved around the issue of you asking him if he was okay with the constant busyness that overwhelmed him and bloody wars. On the contrary, he asks you about your health and whether you feel comfortable here, the inconveniences you encounter and he will have someone to fix it. All conversations take place during his and yours' short daily dinners.

One thing you really liked about Crimson was that he was busy but never missed a dinner with you. He was cruel but never insulted or beat you. What more could you ask for from such a good fiance? Especially when he can massacre your entire family with just a snap of his fingers.


Knock knock knock.


-"Are you ready, Y/N?"-Colton's voice passed through the tightly closed wooden door, inside you were changing clothes, preparing for the night drive . Another sleepless night for you.

-"I'll be right out"-You said, the volume just right so as not to wake anyone in this mansion in the middle of the night while you were still struggling to pull up your coat zipper.

The night in NotamafiaTown are quite cold with the wind constantly blowing, carrying with it dust and smoke from industrial factories that operate day and night continuously. It must be said that Mammon is too ambitious for his money to continuously produce, even if that means turning the cold night sky into a gray, polluted cloudy sky, after all, this is hell. No one will give a fuck if sinners or hellborn are struggling or miserable or not.

You opened the door and walked out of the mansion with Colton. Parking in front of the yard was Colton's familiar convertible. Tonight's trip would be to the cliff again, where he first took you when you couldn't sleep.

The car rolled on the deserted black night road with electric lights emitting dim green light , making the atmosphere look colder and lonelier than ever, there was not a single person on the road. There will often be drunk men staggering on the streets or fresh corpses lying in pools of blood, probably due to settling a debt.

The empty road and the cold wind made your eyes close slightly, but that wasn't enough for your long bout of insomnia.

-"Are you cold? How about I slow down?"-Colton asked, he was concerned about your health, with a quick check, his eyes turned to the empty road . It's unpredictable knowing if anything will suddenly jump out and hit the car, it will be a big nuisance if it is someone from a bloody gang.

-"I'm fine, not cold at all , just drive at normal speed."-You said, smiling at him before turning your eyes back to the road.

After a few minutes of driving, the car finally parked in front of the familiar cliff, where you could see the whole city of Greed from this angle.

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