ch 9: The incident [a diff incident XD]

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After Bloodmoon woke up in the morning, light shining through the window, Bloodmoon looked beside him. He didn't see Stardrop. Bloodmoon didn't panic just yet. He got up, then he walked around the Pizzaplex, trying to find Stardrop. He couldn't find her, though, and that's where he started to panic a little bit. He went back to his room, worried since he couldn't find Stardrop..he knew she wouldn't just run away.. until he saw something come up on the TV.

He saw that it was just the news. He was sad since there was nothing about where Stardrop could be until he heard something that caught his attention. He saw that there had been an SCP containment facility that had exploded and been destroyed by some SCPs. Bloodmoon was worried about it, finding out that the guards had been killed by the SCPs, but the SCPs escaped. They didn't seem to be attacking anyone. He didn't see any trace of Stardrop until he saw her coming out of the rubble. He saw she was in her full form. Her wings spread out, some of the bone showing from the top right wing, the flesh of the wing ripped off. Bloodmoon was worried about seeing that at first.

It only got worse, though. He saw a cut across her right eye bleeding and that she looked hurt and abused. She didn't look like she cared, so Bloodmoon only got more worried. Stardrop then slammed her staff down on the ground to catch the SCPs attention. After she caught their attention, she talked to them, saying, "You all can go be free, but you shouldn't stay in these cities for too long. There are other SCP containment facilities nearby, and the cities aren't really that safe for you all. Now, go be free.." Stardrop said that right before flying away. She flew away, and Bloodmoon then saw her barge through the door. "Hey BloodMoon" she said. Bloodmoon looked a little scared. He tried to tend to Stardrops wounds, but she didn't let him touch her eye wound, only her hand wound. They got into a small fight about it until Bloodmoon brought up her trauma.

Stardrop then lifted Bloodmoon up by his neck with her tail... looking at him with her red pentagram eyes glowing. Stardrop then said, "you little shit you better not mention any of my trauma ever again. I swear to god, if you do, i will snap your neck instead of just holding you by it.."


A/N: This chapter was very eventful! What happened next is in the other chapter.

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