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It's that 'day after tomorrow' today. I am wearing my favorite dress, its green in color, the color I love to wear, and it enhances my looks. Should I ask him what he is going to wear so that I can match my dress with his...that's a bad idea, I guess. I don't want him to think of me as some desperate psychic. Deep down I really wish his outfit to match mine. He doesn't need to look good, because he looks like art and an art isn't supposed to look nice, but it is supposed to make you feel something. We have so many differences between us, difference of choices, difference of opinions and more. Our mind works like those parallel lines that never meets. But i love him enough to accept the differences between us.
Whenever I catch myself smiling for no reason, I realized he is the reason I am smiling. Just a bit of conversation with him changes my mood instantly. I am honestly jealous of every person who gets to see him when I don't.

My life is going good lately, the only thing I miss is Komal. I really have everything with me right now, everything I ever wished for. Love, peace. But everything is incomplete without her. She is the waxing gibbous phase of my life, just as it completes the moon, she completes my life. But she is not with me I have to accept this fact as soon as I can. It's hard to forget someone who made you, it's because of her what I am today I could've been nothing without her. So, her place with always remain empty. I'd rather keep that place empty than allow anyone to replace it. Never. Speaking of which I am worried about Afrid, I still haven't told him anything yet! He should know what his best friend plus sister is doing right now. He is stuck with his mind thinking me and ashfaque are together. Maybe I should worry less about all these things and get all cheerful as I am going on a date with the person I love.

Just like that day when we first time decided to go out together, I've came early. The only difference is this time I am going to hide that desperation, that excitement on my face. I am waiting for him as a sound comes from behind me, "Look who came early." Its him. 
"Hey" I greet him.
"Where are we going today?" He asks.
"Nowhere? so, we are just going to stand here in the middle of the road."
"If only you had enough patience to let me finish"
"Okay ma'am sorry!"
"Just walk with me"
"Walk till where?"
"Shh enough with the questions, okay? Don't you trust me?"
He smiled. A fully curved smile.
"What?" I ask him.
"Does it feel like Deja vu?" 
So, he remembers the first time when we went out together, he was doing the same to me.
"It's called karma."
We both chuckles as we start walking.

"I am sorry" I say in a low voice.
"You needed me, and I was not there with you I am so sorry if I'd knew what you were going through, I would've rushed to you, you know that right.... I am so sorry."
"Okay this is the last time I am telling you, don't be sorry for something that you could have done nothing about."
"Got it!"

I love how we are just walking across the street and it's still exciting. The way we are looking at each other in between, making fun of each other, remembering our precious moments together, he makes me realized that it's not about the place, but the person that makes things special. He makes things special for me.

Someone is calling me, It's an unknown number,
"Pick up the call I don't mind" he says. I pick up the call,
"Hello?" I say in a confused way. 
"Hey, it's me Sharik, remember?" the caller says.
"Which one? I know many with that name."
"I was in your class in college, remember now?"
"Oh yes I do remember you, the one who helped me with the practical, right? how can I forget, thank you for that again."
Shaad is looking at me like he is going to murder the person on phone call. I didn't want to make him insecure, so I did the phone on speaker.
"Hey you there?" Sharik asks.
"Yeah, you called me for something?"
"No, I just called you to just check on you, how are you doing?"
"I am good." I am not going to ask him back how he is doing because I honestly don't care.
"By the way you looked so beautiful in that white dress of yours." He is talking about the picture I posted recently on Instagram.
Shaad narrowed his eyes. Its calm and dangerous when he does this.
"Thankyou" I am giving him short reply so that he himself disconnects the call. 
"Oh, my pleasure. You know you always look beautiful, not a big deal."
Something is wrong with Shaad; I can sense it.
" If you don't mind..., can we go out on a movie date or something?"
Damn this guy messed up here. Shaad takes the phone and disconnects. He is staring at me 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺.
"Oh, you look beautiful always....and specially in that white dress huh and oh right can you come to a movie date with me" he says mocking that guy's tone.
"You know some guys, are just cheap, I don't care what they say." I am trying to divert him.
"You know you should not talk to everyone politely."

What kind of advice is this? It's my nature that I speak politely with everyone around me. My voice is actually made for that politeness. It is just natural I don't have to build it up.

"It's just that, people might take your soft behavior for something else..." He continues.
"Careful Mr. Shaikh or I'll think you are being jealous."
 Words left hung in my throat as he pushes me to a wall behind me. There are hardly people around us, the area is completely silent and so am I. He slammed his hands on the wall caging me between his arms. I try not to look at him, but I can't ignore how close he is to me. The daylight on my face is gone by his shadows falling over me. One wrong move and he'll lose it.

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