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If I were an artist,
I would paint him with brush as soft as a feather and love.

If I were an artist,
I would draw him patiently hour by hour in which even an eternity would feel less.

If I were an artist,
I would paint him in vibrant colors to annote his features.

If I were an artist,
I would draw him just the way he is because nobody can change the way he looks, he is perfect just the way he is, and he is the most beautiful person I have experienced till now.

If I were an artist,
I would frame his picture on my wall. I would never forget him till my last breath even if I wished to

My life didn't end when he left, it started.

He made me realize how love can make someone mentally retarded.

The stars split in half,

Falling like comets into the sea,

I watched my world fall apart, the day, he left me.

Before I even held his hand, I know exactly how it will feel When they pull away from me.

He is like the trophy; I can never win.

He is like the sky; I could never touch.

He is my art; he is the muse.

Isn't it sad that this means nothing to him?

It's his world after all, and I want to live in it too.

Will I ever get a chance to tell him how much he means to me?

How the world just stops when I think of him.

I too wanted to make his heart to race,

But how do I tell him? That crooked smile his hate is what I loved the most about his face.

Nothing is real.

Neither am I.

I know that quite well and it hurts, I know that I can never call him mine,

Neither was the love we talked about; it seems.

Maybe that's why, deep down I'd like him to always stay a dream.

In the silence of the night, his absence's a nightmare, Hope of love lost, a burden I bear.

Yet in the darkness, I find a bit of grace, A hope that one day, I'll find my place.

In the realm where love's fragile dance unfurled, A girl once loved a boy, her heart in a whirl.

Her devotion, a beacon, steadfast and true, yet he, entangled, sought other avenues.

He wandered through lovers, searching in vain, while her love for him endured like a refrain.

In time, he realized his heart's true beat, but alas, the moment came with defeat.

When she, hopeful, offered his hand in grace, he hesitated, his heart still in chase.

With courage, she asked, but his answer, a blow,

Left her adrift in a sea of woe.

Now, she lingers in the shadows of her affection, Bound by the echoes of their failed connection.

Though her love remains, she guards it with care, For the pain of rejection is too much to bear.

In the tapestry of love's bittersweet art, their story lives on, etched in the heart.

For sometimes,

love's journey takes a different turn, leaving two souls to wander, yet yearn.

---Muskan Ansari

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