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2 Week before:

Afrid is going with some sort of issues mentally. Whenever I try to talk to him about Shaad something happens and then I just cannot talk about anything. We are generally the coolest people one can meet. But we do troll each other a lot. I posted a picture on Instagram yesterday with my hands in front as if I am holding something invisible to which Afrid commented 'when someone asks you to bring a glass of water, but you forget the glass' yes! this is his way of letting me know he is here with me. There are many times he did things for me which I never expected. So, I am never going to step back when it comes to him. If he is going through something, I'll be there with him. It's not like I don't troll Afrid, I do. I even once kept an Instagram story where I called him 'My princess.' I am dying and still I can't tell Afrid anything about what's going on with me. I just hope I don't lose him until my last day.

A text message pops in,

ASHFAQUE: How are you?

ME: I don't know there is a lot on my mind.

ASHFAQUE: You can talk.

ME: I miss Komal. You know if I die today, I want her to be my side, she might have not given me life, but she has taught me how to live it. And here I am on the verge of dying and she have no idea at all. And Afrid, things are complicated, I am not able to tell Afrid about Shaad in the first place how will I tell him about this disease. 

ASHFAQUE: You know, your pain of being separated from your loved ones will kill you before that damn disease. Shaad, Komal and Afrid, nobody cares about you. It's just you running behind them. 

ME: Not this time ashfaque. Goodbye.

Present Day:

I should call Shaad and ask him to wait for me. I love him so much that I can't see him with anyone else but me. Thats right, I'll agree to what ashfaque has offered and then afterwards Shaad and I we will be together, piece of cake. I won't die.

I am calling him, but he isn't answering my call. Something is wrong he never did this no matter how busy he is he picks up my call and at least tells me that he'll call later. Maybe I should keep calling him until he picks up my phone.  After three attempts he finally picks up, 
"Hey" we both greet each other.
"Shaad, I wanted to tell you that I am not leaving you for forever. Instead, I'll wait for you, come back to me when I'll be healed okay." I say in enthusiastic tone.
"Okay" he says. Just, okay? will he not ask me how it happened all of a sudden or why I am saying like this suddenly. Probably he is just so happy to hear it from me that he just has nothing to say. 
"Shaad, I'll wait for you okay. Hold on to me. I WILL WAIT FOR YOU." we disconnect the call after this. I am satisfied that now Shaad will not plan to move on from me I'll be there with him always and forever as I promised. Him and I together till eternity.

I text Ashfaque immediately,

ME: Hey, I told Shaad to wait for me and also that I'll be waiting for him.

ASHFAQUE: Did you tell him how what when behind this.

ME: No, he didn't ask so....

ASHFAQUE: Okay, okay, so, we will go the hospital day after tomorrow and follow up with whatever they say, okay? Till then you know what to do, you just have to pretend to be my girlfriend and you should not say this to anyone. NO ONE.

ME: Not even Afrid? Komal, if she ever returns to me? Muskan di? Reem?


ME: Why?

ASHFAQUE: I need everyone to believe you are my girlfriend, there is no exception to it.

ME: Okay I will accept you terms and conditions but there are a few of mine too.

ASHFAQUE: Speak. I'll see if I can negotiate.

ME: You will not touch me. I can never allow anyone to touch me now that Shaad has took me. You don't get to behave like my boyfriend when we are alone, do not ask me where I am with whom I am you have no rights. This thing between us will remain until I am cured after that you go your way and I'll go mine. But before everything, tell me, why are you into this pretentious girlfriend shit.

ASHFAQUE: It's a promise between the two of us for life, as a friend it's a request. Look there is a girl I love, she is one of my uncle's daughters, I love her, and I want to marry her. But there is this thing, if I tell my parents directly about that girl they won't agree. 

ME: I don't get it. What's my role here?

ASHFAQUE: If I tell my parents that I love this girl that, is you, they'll reject you OfCourse as you don't fit into their criteria. They want an illiterate, village type girl, not too modern, complete opposite to you. They will reject you and plead in front of me to choose anyone from within our family and then I'll choose the girl I am talking about.

ME: How do you know they will follow the script that's in your head. 

ASHFAQUE: Sshh I just know. And about your terms and conditions, I don't agree with the last one. This will not end until I get what I want not until you get Shaad. If you get Shaad include him into this too but this is my Favour on you, so you have to work according to my rules not yours. Except there is one problem.

ME: What?

ASHFAQUE: Shaad. If he comes to know that you are with me, will he still love you, I bet he won't.

ME: The love we share is not that weak ashfaque. Shaad knows how much I love him, and I only have eyes for him. He will not believe in anything until he hears it from me directly. He loves me and trusts me enough.

ASHFAQUE: I bet he don't love you as much as you think. He has already left you Muskan just get over with it. I am not telling you to come in a relationship with me but accept it. HE NEVER LOVED YOU.

ME: Ashfaque, if God comes and says this to me then too, I will prefer Shaad to say he don't love me on my face. I know he loves me he has waited for me so long everything cannot be a lie. And do you remember I asked you to talk to me about this only if you have got proofs. No proof no opinion.

I trust Shaad more than my life. I know he will never unlove me, and so do I. We are made for each other. I love him so much.

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