A Few Days Before Cruise Week

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Shelcy | Friday

As I was in my Language Arts class, summer is only half an hour away, and it is currently 2:30 p.m. on the final day of school. To pass the rest of the time, some students were playing some board games the teacher had kept in the classroom closet, some students were playing video games on either their phones or on the school computers, and I was making myself a light blue sunhat made of felt. I have been working on it since the middle of May. As I finished making the felt sunhat, I put my sewing and knitting tools back in my messenger bag, and I took out and used a hot glue gun to attach some pink flowers made of felt. After that, I gave my hands a good rest.

I am bursting with eagerness by showing an excited grin on my face because on Monday, my mother, my father, Kiana, her parents, and I are heading on a cruise ship for six days.

Now, you might be wondering why I am feeling enthusiastic like my friend, Jackie-Anne. You see, when Jackie and I first met, Jackie-Anne has been some sort of a weird kind of girl. She's probably clumsy like some person who accidentally trips on their shoelaces or crazily slips on a wet linoleum floor. But now, I'll just get back to talking about my and Kiana's cruise trip that is happening next week so we don't get off-topic.

Ever since the first Saturday in May, I remember my mom telling Kiana's parents about us going on a cruise ship. Kiana's parents thought my mom's idea sounded like plenty of fun, so my mom booked seven tickets. Three of the tickets were for my family -- in this case, I am an only child--and the other four tickets were for Kiana's family.

On Monday of this week, my mother and I packed our suitcases with everything we needed for our trip. We've packed formal dresses; Hawaiian-themed shirts; skirts, both short and long; my mom's sunhat; my mom's cosmetics; some jewelry, like my mom's wedding ring and hoop earrings; some lipsticks; some shoes, such as sneakers and high-heeled boots; some swimsuits; and two full containers of sunscreen.

I can't wait for the cruise trip to start. After the rest of the time passed, the final bell rang and all the students came rushing out of the classroom -- including me -- before the teacher could say 'goodbye' to everyone.

As I darted out of the school's main entrance, my mom pulled up, and I quickly hopped into the car. Before we headed home, my mom told me I was such an intelligent student, so she drove us to a pizzeria that had opened this year's March. I was curious to know what the pizzeria was like, so I happily sat in the car until we arrived there.

As we got to the pizzeria and entered, my mouth began to water because I saw all kinds of pizzas with tasty toppings through the glass. One of the pizzas I saw had nacho cheese as the sauce with mushrooms, diced onions, and pineapples as the toppings. I was in for a real perfect treat!


During my shift at Boba Tea City at 4:05 p.m., I was really busy since I was brewing four boba tea drinks for a party of four people. Who knew it would be tricky to make four boba tea drinks at once? As I finished brewing the drinks, I was about to fall backwards, but luckily, I caught my balance and began to juggle the boba drinks so none of them spilled.

As I was about to hand the four people their ordered drinks, the woman with blonde hair with a dark blue beanie with cat ears (she is the leader of her group, by the way) handed me the money as payment for the drinks. Then, she and her group exited the restaurant as I put the money into the cash register.

By the time it was 4:40 p.m., my shift at Boba Tea City was finally over, so Maroki -- who is the boss here at this boba tea restaurant--handed me some money after working so hard for the past few hours. Then, I picked up my backpack and keytar and headed home.

As I arrived back at my house, I opened the front door and saw my dad and my 24-year-old sister, Lynnette, packing the bags for our cruise trip with Shelcy and her parents.

"What's up, my keytar queen!" greeted my dad as he paused packing the stuff we needed for the cruise. "You're back just in time! Would you mind helping me and your sister pack all these shirts and other clothes?"

As I put my backpack and keytar onto the floor next to our futon, I agreed to assist them. But before I began to help my dad and sister pack, I received a text from Shelcy, and her text message read, "Hey, Kiana. Did your family pack everything you guys need for the cruise? I feel like this trip will be exciting!"

I also noticed she added these emojis: a cruise ship, the ocean, and a smiley face with a huge grin.

I replied to Shelcy's message by texting, "You bet I'm more excited than ever!" Then, I inserted an emoji with a party hat, a thumbs-up emoji, and a confetti emoji. Then, I put my phone on the coffee table and began to help my dad and my sister.

I had to make sure our clothes were organized properly. As I went through one of our suitcases, I took out the shirts and refolded them so there were no wrinkles. I did the same for some pairs of jeans, shorts, skirts, and dresses.

As I went through another suitcase -- in which our sandals and sneakers were inside -- I also had to organize them together as I did with the other suitcases so none of our footwear would be crammed in.

Now, all that was left to pack were Lynnette's and my sunhats. Unfortunately, there wasn't any open space left in either of the two suitcases; instead, we had to use one of our tote bags. Luckily, the tote bag that I chose was the one that had dark blue and neon green squares in the pattern of a checkerboard, as well as some orange zigzags on the sides.

But before I could say we were even finished packing everything for our trip, my dad suggested that we should bring my windsurf and Lynnette's water skis. So, he quickly ran to the garage to get them. Lynnette told my dad that we could do other awesome things on the cruise besides windsurfing and water-skiing, but he didn't seem to care, so he began to get the case for my windsurf and Lynnette's water skis, anyway.

Now, my family, Shelcy's family, and I were ready for the cruise trip.

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