Day 3 of Cruise Week

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Kiana | Wednesday

As it was 5:02 in the morning, and as Lynnette and I were still asleep, both of us -- including Mom and Dad -- heard a thunderous sound coming from outside, which caused all four of us to wake up in shock. Since that sound was so boisterous, it caused me to fall off my and Lynnette's bed. I picked myself up off the ground, and I pulled the curtain to see what was going on.It turns out that we are in the middle of a thunderstorm that is somewhere in the middle of the ocean, and millions of raindrops are descending from the sky densely.

Just then, we heard an announcement over the speakers, and one of the crew members announced, "Attention to all our fellow cruise passengers. We are very sorry for disrupting your beauty sleep, but due to the intense rainstorm, there may be mighty waves, and there will also be strikes of lightning. We are trying our best to get through this storm safely. Thank you for your understanding, and feel free to continue your beauty sleep or start your day on the cruise. We have a huge variety of activities to do here. This is one of the cruise's crew members, signing off."

None of us panicked, so Mom told us that we should start this third day of our six-day cruise by doing an activity that was not on top of the ship. Just as we got changed out of our sleepwear and into our normal clothes, we were about to walk out the door, but something hard crashed through the sliding glass door, causing glass shards to fall on the floor. The thing that crashed through the glass door was a thick log.

I wasn't sure how a log had been thrown into our dorm's sliding glass door, but I'm pretty sure a cyclone might've caught it, whirled it around, and then the cyclone tossed the log with perfect aim to our dorm on the ship. Now that the sliding glass door was damaged all thanks to that log, water sloshed from the ocean and the heavy rain poured in, resulting in flooding the room, so Dad picked up the emergency phone that was hanging on the wall and called one of the crew members to come to our room promptly.

As one of the crew members used a master key card to enter our room, the water that flooded into our room poured into the hallway. Mom told the crew member that a log somehow got thrown into the glass door, causing some shards to fall on the floor. So, the crew member informed us that we had to use a different dorm, meaning we had to take all our stuff that was in this dorm and transfer them to an empty dorm.

Luckily, two more crew members grabbed a cart to put all our stuff on, so we put all our luggage onto it. Then, as the four of us followed the crew members to take us to a new floor and a new room, the first crew member who came to us put caution tape on our old dorm and put a sign on it that read, "Sorry, this room is unavailable for now. We'll do our best to fix the problem in this one."

Back to us, the two crew members who were carrying all our luggage took them to Room 506, which was on the sixth floor. So, as all of us got there, the two crew members informed us that we needed to change our wristbands. So, one of them used a pair of scissors and removed our old wristbands and put on new ones. Then, I used my new wristband to unlock the door, and my family and I put all our luggage inside the room. Then, the two crew members who aided us walked away as they took the cart with them.

So, as we went back into the hallway to start our day with a fun activity, Lynnette suggested that she and I would be heading to the arcade. As Mom and Dad agreed with us, they said they'll head to the casino. But before we could go to either of those places on the cruise, we went up the elevator to the cruise's diner for breakfast.

As we were on our way to the elevators that will take us to the diner, strong waves from the ocean are pushing the ship side to side, as well as some ups and downs. Because of the ship being pushed around by the waves, I had a strange feeling all the food in the diner will fall onto the floor. As we got to the diner, my prediction was correct. Most of the foods, drinks, plates, bowls, utensils, and cups fell onto the floor because of the ship being pushed around.

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