Alucard makes.... FRIENDS!?!

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Grimmjow Pov:

Grimmjow: "Sitting on throne in meeting room" *looks around* hey guys has anybody seen alucard?

Harribel: hmm now that you mentioned it I haven't seen him today. " she said confused and slightly worried"

Yoruichi: oh great!" she said sarcastically " he's gone and nobody knows where he might be this is gonna be bad I know it. " she said annoyed "

Sukuna: oh Yea he left last night he said he was going for a walk. " he said Nonchalantly "

Grimmjow: so your telling me that he said he was going for a walk, you did nothing to stop him aND IT WASN'T THE FIRST FUCKING THING YOU TOLD ME!!! " he shouted in a demonic voice while his hair set itself on fire"

Sukuna: I-i-i thought it wasn't a big deal b-boss. " he said in a quick worried tone"

Mudusa: *starts caressing grimmjow* now now no need to be angry I'm sure everything will be fine. "She said in soothing tone"

Grimmjow: "in a calmer tone" ugh your lucky I don't have you on hound cleaning duty sukuna. " he said very agitated "

Sukuna:  oh thank espada dodged that bullet-

Grimmjow: but you will be the one looking for alucard. "He said with a evil smile"

Sukuna: oh Come on seriseriously boss! "He said in a pouty tone"

Grimmjow: would you rather clean the public urinal? " he said with sass"

Sukuna: "in a defeated tone" no boss *sigh* when am I leaving- 

"A loud bang is heard following with someone yelling"

Alucard: HONEY IM HOME!!

*alucard barged into the room*

Alucard: what's with those looks what did I miss? "he said oblivious to the killer intent Grimmjow was putting out"

Grimmjow: "in a dark but calm tone" so alucard mind explaining where you've been the past twelve hours?

Alucard: oh you know shooting fake vampire fuckers messing with the church the usual. " he said oblivious to the killer intent Grimmjow was putting off "

Grimmjow: oh for fu- ugh what ever do you have anything worth reporting? "he said annoyed"

Alucard: actually I do! You guys can come in!

"Two woman walk into the room"

Alucard: I made a few friends on my walk! " he said proudly "

Grimmjow: hmm *looks at the two Women* and who might you to be? "he said curious but sceptical"

Unknown woman1: my name is sir Integra leader of the hellsing organization. 


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