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cutest couple ever ❤️❤️



"you ready to go" Carter says as I open the front door
"yeah let me just grab my bag real quick" I say as I quickly pick my bag up from the kitchen side and make my way back to Carter.

"you look nice" I say as a grin makes it way onto my face "thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" he smirks pressing a quick peck on my lips.

I shut the door behind me and grab hold of his hand, signaling to go to the car.

"so what is this party" I say as we make our way down the driveway "for someone who lives here you'd think you would know" he jokes

"I don't know I guess I just don't party as much as I used to"

"well, Rico invited me and said i was the only one who could convince you to come out"

"that little rat, that is so not true" I defend myself crossing my arms over my chest

"don't worry I believe you" he says making his way to the drivers seat.

"Jayden" Demetra screeches from across the room
"you look so hot" she says with wide eyes, her eyes dart towards the boy beside me and then pulls my arms making me crouch down so she could whisper in my ear "jobe is gonna freak."

I smack her arm away from mine as i roll my eyes giving her a warning look

"hi i'm demetra, i've heard allot about you" she says putting on the fakest smile

"nice to meet you" he smiles back.

"okay lovebirds everyone else is in the kitchen" demetra says making her way through the crowd of people.

𝗢𝗡𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗬, jobe bellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now