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"RICO IVE MISSED YOU" I wrap my arms around the boy squeezing him a little before pulling away.

"Missed you too little J" he says ruffling my hair "your only one year older" I say giving him a playful glare.

"What about me" Jobe said from behind rico with his arms crossed in-front of him, "so sassy and for what" I joke enveloping him in my arms.

"I've missed you too don't worry" I whisper into his ear "I've missed you even more" he whispers back sending a cold chill down my back, I smile at his words and pull away from the hug.

"Jayden" Rico said staring straight at me "yes?"

"I've heard a rumour from a certain someone," he signals his head towards my sister who is pretending to whistle while looking around the room avoiding eye contact "that you are talking to a certain someone." my face turns a bright shade of pink and I make quick eye contact with a confused jobe.

"You guys are way to invested in my love life" I groan walking into my kitchen stealing a crisp from Addison's bowl "hey those are mine" she whined and in return I just stuck my tongue out.

"So who is this guy" Jobe said leaning on the counter also stealing a crisp from Addison "can you lot stop stealing my food" she shouts standing up and going to the living room instead.

"Jobe's jealous" Chloe added earning a glare from me and Jobe and a little laugh from Rico

"He's just a guy who I met when I was in America. His name is Carter Cyrus if you wanna go stalk him on instagram" I say targeting the last part towards Rico

"Why do you have me as such a gossip" Rico questions "have you met yourself Rico" I sassed back

"How'd you two meet" Jobe said still focusing on me

"Through the triplets, we was at a party and I guess we just ended up chatting" I smile a little at the memories
"Nice" Jobe replied making his way over to Addison who was still sat in the lounge.

"Why was that sad, justice for my boy Jobe" Rico said "you brought it up you fucking idiot" Chloe said slapping the boy on the back of his head.



𝗢𝗡𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗬, jobe bellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now